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  • Yes,Jazzeum ,I believe I grok you.Will keep the antennae out and quivering ! John
    Milord General,There are occasionally some amazing deals on surplus trews on eBayUK-You're particularly in luck if you prefer Black Watch, Hunting Stewart,Mackenzie or Gordon. Though to be sure most modern trews are cut on a horizontal vertical approach.
    Drab and muted the tartans will be if there is any room for them. Yippee trews! Nancy does no care for them. I think they look smashing.:)
    I usually wear one of the Appin Stewart tartans,but I like Macdonald of Sleat-ish not too fancy -please keep in mind that although Highlanders likely would disdain any(one else's) notion of style...the fashion at the time favoured clashing colours.
    John you need to clear your in box.

    John, if $15.00 is too low I will say I did not know that I needed to assemble them. I will take as much as you would like to give me:D But, seriously add a few extra bucks for assembly. Let me know what tartans you would like to see. I think this will be fun.

    Not a problem john, after all wouldn't you agree that HRH deserves two postings to announce her birthday.

    Mike,My prose,by any other name...HERE'S A WEE SECRET (I dare not write as I talk ,I'd be banned in two breaths !...Well it's the same really but with lots more "colour") Besides I'm in hot contention with several other wackos for the title "Glossies' Answer to JohnGambale" and must keep my foot in (mouth).
    Hey ! How'd you know I place them "gingerly" ? LET ALONE THE CURIOUS POSTURES I ASSUME WHILST DOING SO (that you refer to as "poses" )?
    I'll TRY VERY VERY diligently to snare a pic or two of SUMFIN and dedicate it to you .Are you certain those "internal feelings" aren't wind? Very Beast Regards,John
    Your "prose" is sufficiently capable of increasing the benevolent internal feelings I capture upon perusing the daily OB posts. And break out those lovely Bulldog and
    Trophy men and place them gingerly on top of your terrain pieces and- Take some
    poses! Please!
    Hi Randy,I MUST check this space more often ! Well hmmmm,I regret mentioning misfortune ,but since registering and now near 3 years ago,the greater part of my collection vanished from storage.Consequently the new collection is expressive of newer interests and focuses,aaaaand regrettably my present handful of British Bulldog & 2 Trophy Highlanders would likely prove far less interesting than your splendid pics -I particularly liked the LL & the Guards Camel figure.As a penance,I'll go directly and update those specs ! Best,John
    Hi hope someday you will post your Sudan items. I have just started this area so only have a few myself: 1 Little Legion (Heavy Camel Regt.) and 2 Britains (Grenadier guard Omdurman 1898 & Camel Regt. Khartoum 1884-5) Waiting for WB release of 21st Lancer.I also have the matte 1882 WB Black Watch figure from the Egyptian Campaign.

    Oh Dear ! I swear I was up by 10:00 ! Thank You PB for the handy link to Wm Hocker-I have indeed spent many happy hours gazing at sets.or following every link on the linkspage. Presently top 3 are Naval Brigade Gatling,Thin Red Line Set, but am haunted by that Durbar Set pictured here on TTTSF not so long ago...name escapes me -etherial carriage,ox drawn(?) with attendants..awesome..must go look that up.Best ob
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