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  • Hi Kev, thanks for friendship request mate, good to have you aboard and hope to see you in London again soon
    Chuck, am hoping to cross the pond myself next year, but you are welcome this side - there is plenty more to see
    Kevin, it tooks a while until I realised, that you are the master of the BoB-toysoldier-universe ! (I didn t remember your avatar is the owner of the most impressive BoB-pics I ever saw !!!) . I am very proud to have you on my friends list- please tell me immediately, when you have a BoB-picture-book ready. I suppose, you will create one ?
    All the best and greatest respect for your fantastic work
    hey kevin,long time,hope all is going great and hope to see ya soon,either over here or if i can get away and head across the pond.
    Hi Kevin, it was a great pleasure for me to meeting you at the London show. Just discovered your brilliant album-very interesting ! BoB is my favorite range.
    Best regards from Germany
    Hi Kevin,
    Any chance of you having come across TAW Artillery sets or TAW and CJB Model vehicles?
    In case you do, please let me know.
    Artillery Crazy

    How are you well I hope?

    So what is the book you have done?

    Thainking of going to the Bulge area in Dec for a few days trying to get a guide and do the 65th Aniversary, have you got any tanks left from the Honor Bound range??

    Look forward to hearing from you

    Great Arnhem pictures.I had a chance to visit the Arnhem battlefields twice.I hope to do a small Arnhem dio myself.I just need some building.
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