The Templar
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  • Hello Heinrich . . . I see you have had another birthday. I hope is was a wonderful day of celebration for you. I hope all is well with you. I just realized from your profile that you are a traveling man. I have also traveled from east to west and back again. All the very best brother . . .
    Why thank you Heinrich. So far its been a great day . . . . . 66 isn't so bad. My wife gave me a gift certificate for some TS and I have already received some $$ from my mother-in-law which will also be out towards more TS . . . . . Will be able to expand my collection of JJD WWI sets . . . . .
    All the very best
    Another year older . . . . . Thanks for the kind thoughts Heinrich. Hope all is great in your world too.
    Thank you very much Heinrich for the birthday wishes. Since its also Halloween I hope to have a Spook-tacular day . . . .
    Well Heinrich, another year has come and gone and now you are celebrating another birthday. 52 years YOUNG . . . . congratulations and have a super day . . . . . Cheers . . . .
    Happy 51st Birthday Heinrich. I wish you all the best for your celebration tomorrow. Another year behind you and many, many more ahead of you. All the best and good health . . .
    Happy Birthday Heinrich. Wishing you a very very nice day. Here's hoping you get some nice surprises for your TS collection.
    Hello Heinrich - always good to hear from you. I still have my K&C Crusaders but I don't know if I am going to add to them. My main interest for now is Wm Britain Am Civil War and as you mentioned K&C SOHK/USMC/US Navy. However, next month I think I will pre-order some of the soon to be released First Legion American Revolutionary War figures - I think this has the potential to be a great range to collect. That's plenty for me to try and keep track of. I'll stop by to check your albums out.
    May you also have a very merry Christmas and a successful New Year Heinrich. As I write this the clan is gathering - all three children will be home this year for Christmas with their spouse and my grandchildren. Christmas Eve there will be 8 adults and 5 children in the house - how great that will be. My Christmas list includes all of the new K&C Templars and the English bowmen - keeping my fingers crossed.
    Well haven't you been busy Heinrich. You changed your albums since yesterday when I took a peek at them. The new Pegaso figures are very well done. They say that practice makes perfect and your finished figures certainly suggest that. Ok, now you have to check out my ACW album . . . . . . . . Mike
    Hello Heinrich, so nice to hear from you. You are right, it seems like too much time passes by between our contacts. All is well, and I am really enjoying retirement. The weather is starting to turn frightful though and its forcing me to stay inside more than I want. 18 inches of snow fell throuhout the day this past Wednesday and the temperatures dropped to a -1 F with wind chills of -15 F to -20 F. Hoping to get some of the new K&C Templars for Christmas, at least that's what I have on my wish list. My Wm Britain American Civil War collection is still growing much to my liking. Take care . . . . . . . Mike
    Hello Heinrich,

    Did you see the recent discussion on the forum regarding bowing of the crusader siege ladders? How have the K&C siege ladders fared on your crusades diorama?

    Thanks, George
    Happy belated birthday Heinrich. I certainly hope you had a very special day and that your birthday presents included some of those new K&C Crusaders. Best wishes.
    I totally agree with you Heinrich. These new Crusaders are absolutely the best K&C has made. It was worth the 12 month wait for them to get here. With sculps like these and at the price they are being sold for, I for one will never consider St. Petersburg or other "Russian" figures again . . . . . . . . Mike
    Hello Templar , Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday ! even though I don't know you with a name like the Templar you have got to be a Cool guy. Happy Birthday ! Gebhard
    I have posted a number of pictures since Monday. They are all in the Wm. Britian section under the thread title Wm. Britiain's American Civil War - my most recent pictures are on the last 3 pages of postings . . . . . .Mike
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