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  • Olá Paulo,
    Sim sou Brasileiro mais vivi anos na Espanha e adorei minhas andanças pela peninsula.Tenho muito ainda por conhecer em Portugal, uma terra fantastica ótimo vinho e cozinha com pessoas muito alegres e felizes.
    Por ver que também tem peças de artilharia, entre no clube de artilharia e coloque lá suas fotos vai ser um prazer ter mais um com quem trocar ideias e notas. No clube temos varios que se dedicam as guerras Napoleonicas e você irá se sentir em casa.
    Um grande abraço desde este lado do Atlântico.
    Hi Viriato,
    Nice sets you have in your album. Your Britains 7 years war artillery and 1st foot guards regiment are the best! Feel free to join our artillery fan group and let us share info related to artillery/Napoleonic data.
    Have you visited the region of Torres Vedras and San Sebastian and checked the battleground scenes?
    I am a JG Minature diorama base sets fan also! John is a great artist.
    60%.P......RA! Aqui em Portugal também pagamos imposto mas anda pelos 34% do valor (preço mais custo de envio). Não sei se sabe mas há outro brasileiro neste forum, que é o Debrito, que vive no Canadá! Obrigado pelo friendship request, já mandei também um automaticamente. Trás-os-Montes, engraçado como o mundo é pequeno!

    Saudações também,
    Olá, Viriato! Sou brasileiro, sim. Mas meu avô nasceu em Portugal, Trás-os-Montes, e eu me considero meio português também, com muito orgulho. Obrigado pela dica. Na verdade eu já conhecia essas figuras, mas como, infelizmente pagamos mais 60% de imposto de importação aqui no Brasil, elas ficam caríssimas!
    Saudações cordiais do Brasil!
    Kolobob look like specializing in Roman Empire, although they sell several Russian brands, including a lot of knights. Arsenyev look like the top of the tops, in all senses:D... Check I am waiting on a Tat. Gapchenko Roman coming from there (they would take 2 to 4 weeks to paint it and send it, they said), if you'd like I'll let you know about the outcome. I am also taking a look at Andrea Miniatures from Spain, just across the border from me... They sell painted kits if you'd like them to be assembled and painted.
    I am going to be sorry about this, because it's going to be really bad for you:D, but check the links kindly provided by Andanna on the Connoisseur thread of this forum...

    I've seen some Aeroart figures up close and they are beautiful pieces. I've heard of Pegaso but not the other. What era figures do they specialize in? It seems that any mounted connoisseur figure is going to be quite steep in price these days:(. I've seen a few I would have loved to get but couldn't bring myself to shell out $700 plus for one figure.


    I hear you on the focus issue:D! The WWI items are really great. I've picked up almost all of the K&C first releases with the exception of the Uhlans and fighting Germans the later of which are on my list to get this summer. WWI seems like it would offer many possibilities for interesting pieces especially one of my favorite subjects...artillery! I've added one additional Tradition 90mm figure, a British Life Guard Officer, bringing my total to 7 of these types. I've been pleased with the quality vs price so far. My next purchase in this range will probably be a Prussian or Bavarian figure. I've got to post some more pictures of my Naps. Which connoisseur manufacturer are you trying? There are some really beautiful Crusade/Medieval connoisseur pieces out there. Good luck on whatever you decide to try this year!


    Hi Paulo,

    Hope all is well with you. I just noticed your Britain's FIW arty set in your album...looks like a fantastic piece:cool:. It looks like a gloss set but somehow not quite as "shiny"...maybe the light? I love these types of sets I just wish they made more Nap Arty sets:(.

    Just when I decided to limit my future Nap purchases Andy goes and releases those Red Lancers...curse him! Now I find myself expanding the empire so to speak:D. How about you...any plans for aquisitions this year?


    Viriato, thanks for your comment...Correct - Britains & Marlborough, quite a few from Tradition and others.
    Paulo, unfortunately, I do not. I hence have no information for you on that seller.

    Having purchased various soldiers directly from Russia, I must admit that there is a certain risk of disappointment, damage in transport and "entanglement" with the customs. If you like the selection of AeroArt, this would be a very safe bet. I will send you a PN with names of other sellers (in the US) that I have used.

    I enjoy the gloss soldiers if colors are my main driver for collecting a certain range, the matt ones if I like the details, like the heraldik in the S. Petersburg figures. I have been a little slow on taking photos of my knights, but will do so soon. I like them best at daylight - hence the "cold, wintery" look of the recent photos of the knights I have already posted.
    hi Paulo,
    Thanks for looking at my albums glad you like wht you see :) iv gone mad for the new redcoats series its slowly taking over my display cases much to the dismay of my WW1 models lol i think its time to extend my display room!!! my love of bands doesnt help ether as they take up even more room that i havnt got!!! As for Imperial i havnt really ever looked at any im kinda sicking to what i no
    Cheers Craig,
    Hi Paolo,
    Thanks for stopping by to say hello, and also for you kind comments. Love your dioramas too. Wonderful collection you have there.
    Best Regards
    Hi Paolo, I also wish you a happy new year. Great to hear from another lawyer ! Unfortunately we have too many barristers in Germany. You are absolutely right, the Crimean War range is the best of K&C. I sell K & C and Tradition of London. Have a look on their site and maybe you find some items which are interesting for you. I would make a special treefroger-price for you:D
    Thanks for the help but I have been there before just wasn't quiet for sure.
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