Thank you, Mike. Likewise, as to having a nice collection. Every once in a while I take a look at your excellent Fall of Acre diorama. I'm personally still sticking with just the period of the Third Crusade. That era has fascinated me since my childhood, but I was never able to start a collection of realistic figures until King & Country launched their Medieval line. Now I'm totally hooked and obsessed with making my diorama. I've recently added a few more Saracen and Crusader figures and more of the K&C desert village buildings, for placement behind the castle walls. That desert village is just wonderful and was a brilliant move on the part of King & Country. Those buildings will sell like crazy. I've also added the K&C three wise men as civilians in the Saracen walled city. They fit in perfectly. I'll shoot and post new images soon. Stay well and happy collecting. George