Larry Allen
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  • Hiya Larry,

    Hey thanks for the reply mate, great to hear from you. Wow... like the sound of your collection, I have a few AWI figures from Conte & K&C. That period, plus the 'French Indian' wars fascinate me. I think it has something to do with all those TV programmes & movies I watched as a youngst during the 70's?

    My focus has mainly been WW2 around the Desert/Normandy, however I have the odd Napolenic/Zulu and AWI figures. I'm a bit spread out really and need to narrow the collection down some-what, but as you know that's harder than ya think. In saying that my collection is quite small, and can't afford multipy's of the same figures, which would be required of the AWI period if I was to put a decent Dio together. In saying that I love the Conte AWI figures, they're a bit rough, but great poses. Only wish they'd make some more. Really like the K&C Indians and have some of the British mtd and foot figures to accompany them.

    Cheers for now.....Toddy
    G'day Larry, just wanted to say hiya mate. I visited Maine last July with my daughter & brother who lives in RI. Beautiful place, got to stay in a beach house right next to the sea for three days.....really enjoyed our 3x week stay in the US. We bounced across from LA all the way to the east coast. Anyway nice yakking to ya and it's been fun following your conversation with those dodgy Aussi's.....cheers Toddy
    Hello Mike;
    I have about 1000 AWI K&C figures but I will be holding on to them for a while. I love them to much to pass at this point. But ping me every once in a while as you never know when I switch gears.
    Are you making yo rs to sell or for Private use?
    Thanks for the offer though.
    Hi Larry,
    I also have a large collection of American Rev figures that I'm looking to expand. Is there any way that I could buy some of your older/damaged figures in order to convert them to members of a Royal Marine landing party?
    Best Regards,
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