The Major
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  • Paperwork formalities nearly complete. I am LEGALY SET UP from August Ist . Bought a second higher capacity (higher temperature too) Metal Melter Furnace on AMAZON the other day for the workshop to increase casting capacity. Just preping the second workshop to take it this weekend....BOY we had a LOT of rain here !!!

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    You can process up to TEN images at any one time, of your Toy Soldier other Products. Protecting our creative work and enjoying the FULL income (not only "some" of the Income from it is very important. Why should A N OTHER UNLIMLITED enjoy your Money????!!!! get protected today.
    There is a FREE evaluation Programme of WATERMARKLY (used for these examples). A fully operating version is available . We used the Program because our Copyright Digital Certificate Site "PROTECT MY WORK.COM" offers the service FREE. (evaluation version).
    The Major
    The Major
    Our former "John Gittings" Minatures Range of Romans and Zulus as another example. The products are now much better protected than before under the old management. Alas times have changed and its necessary.
    The Major
    The Major
    Our Instructions and Painting Guide for the German Army Light Field Wagon, one of our Re Issue Kits arriving in the Hobby Collectors and Shop neighbourhood very soon. Wording can be any colour We chose Red GREY or BLACK due to the varied Photo Artwork or Diagram backgrounds.
    Digital Certificated PROOF exists and is usable if need be in a court of Law against anyone "Pimping" your creative works IE Toy Soldiers and Kits. Site is easy touse, friendly and helpful.
    All our figures, castings, kits and Artwork, THE ENTIRE BUSINESS has been Lawfully Protected for Copyright Intellectual property since we bought it from P J D WILLIS and later on the "SIMON'S" of N Zealand.
    mm082_00Kingstroop Royal Horse artillery Golden Jubilee.jpg
    We now Deploy copyright "WATERMARKLY" from our registration of Copyright Digital Certificate vault site. "PROTECT MY WORK.COM" I can thoroughly recommend that site.
    The Major
    The Major
    Remember the old SAMURAI Black and White Films "The Water Margin"? Well this is the WATERMARKLY @@-)))
    The Major
    The Major
    That should stop the "Parasitic Pimp"s out there who take the attitude they can nick and flogg other folks hard work
    The Major
    The Major
    And "Recasters" Unlimited too.
    MountfordMetalMiniatures 10.jpg
    Wording of Copyright now is "embedded" into our Artwork Images for ALL our products. Either in RED GREY or BLACK writing resepctively.
    Along apparently with Polish and German "business associattes". From now on and unless and until he gets "canned", the protective product copyright wording is going to be a "wee bit" blooming obvious ahemmmm
    Sorry Guys to all bone fide genuine and innocent hobby buffs out there.....but "enough is enough" FROME Model Centre Somerset England has been stealing a lot of our Chota Sahib and Studio Sarum Figurines (our STUDIO PARIS ART Figure Range) and "passing off" as their "own".
    Back to my Art Diploma Skills.....Fabre Castel or Rotring?


    Mutter Mumble. Curse.

    EXIT Dave "Mountford" Love in sack cloth and Ashes.
    One example yours truly is getting his Drawing board and Rotring pens out for is this.
    The Gun barrel of the Victorian British 13 Pounder Cannon, is EXACTLY the SAME (only of course it is NOT!!!!!!) as the assembly instructions drawing for the 18 Pounder Victorian Cannon of the same kit series (you know that old sweet saying "The same only differrent @@!!)
    Also, we made a rather interesting little "discovery". Dave Love who originaly created the MOUNTFORD Artillery Range, made "mistakes" in the drawing of some (I say "some") of the assembly Instructions for "some" of the Kits.
    Max has found TWO so far....which might explain "some" if not all of the previous "complaints" from customers when the SIMON'S ran the Business from new Zealand.
    Paperwork paperwork paperwork....Yawnnnnnn. Just been to and fro the Printers shop. Getting all the Box Artwork and Photos done ready. Ive made a few "addittions" and a couple of "wee" changes to certain protective wording, , due to a certain West country Retailers recent copyright theft of some of our Ex Sarum and Chota Sahib figures.
    We hear from Ana Simon Abrams widow, that she needs to sell the rest of FLEURBAIX Toy Soldiers Ranges. if you know anybody interested to buy all or some please contact her.
    Our Business Re Launch is scheduled now very shortly, and will bring a final joyful "end" to some of the old Gossipy ones on Line who say "He never makes anything". Ive been putting the finishing touches to some workspaces, and we both have been busy painting the Mountford Artillery "Display" Models.

    Above. Todays idetical figure dispayed and being sold by Tradition on their internet shop site.

    The Major
    The Major
    Wow Thats a very nice painted Parade. Love it !
    The Major
    The Major
    Had "news" from Ana Abram Simons widow? Apparently, she is having a rather hard time of it with Abrams family, and has decided to now sell the rest of his former FLEURBAIX Figure range, ). Our E mail here is bit flakey, so if you do have a mail for her or them, or you know some Bone Fide guys who might be interested
    The Major
    The Major
    Pass word around and see if someone may be interested to buy it to help her and Victor Abrams son
    Max and Maryse will be selling individual figures, and initialy sold "loose" I E Not boxed figure sets, at this early time. As part of a service however to encourage younger Model makers to "convert" and create new figures of their own, and to help try to bring back to the Hobby more young Modellers once more, a series of "conversion parts sets" is to be issued.

    These will include separate heads, legs, bodies hands weapons etc. There will also be a number of separate, different posed Horses as part of the series.
    Boxed figure sets are planned for the future, once re established. Restoring several of the large figure ranges has taken a great committment in personal time and energy, following the demise of the previous owner in bad health, and the chaotic state much of it was found to be in.
    Max and Maryse FABRE CHEVALLIER purchased the complete former "Sarum Soldiers" Ranges of these items from retired "International Buisnessman" Patrick J D WILLIS in 2009. This was a bone fide legaly witnessed purchase using UK legal Solicitors and well and clearly documented.
    The classic figurine ranges were never sold or somehow "licensed" to anybody "else" at any time.

    The FABRE CHEVALLIER family continue to own and to fully posess all materiel and toolings, Moulds and Masters and full Documentation in Europe, so this firmly de bunks and shows up anybody o selling copies or re casted products.
    This also includes items" sold by "TRADITION" of London (Stockholm ) who have been copying a number of the figures illegaly.

    As part of the re Launch this year of the ranges from New Zealand now owned by them, the family will also be re issuing Chota Sahib and Studio figurine ranges. Which no doubt shall prove interesting to collectors everywhere.
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