The Major
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  • Ouefff Just been tidying up the toolings just used last week....Moving heavy Moulds, Metal parts and some Machinery can be tireing and hard work. I'm just starting another "run" to cast up some Larger Scale iems but due to rarity, and subject matter I think its still worthwhile to make a couple of each one "up" to sell.
    Will get the photos up here when I get five minutes....
    Looking forward to seeing more of them.
    Polite Notice. All Our figures, Kits and castings, and for the avoidance of doubt, all the toy soldiers,Metal Models, Copyright © "Maxime Jouhan Chevallier 2023" and Copyright © "Studio Paris Art 2024".
    No Casting, copying component parts, Re Casting, 3 D Printing reproductions, or Kit or figure part, may be adapted Modified, Partialy Modified or used to make work that is then sold Commercialy.
    Obtained courtesy of J O Brien Australia. The lost Indian Artillery figures and Several other items, from Mountford will now be re created into fresh NEW Mould Kit Toolings. The "Red Turban" Indian Crew of circa 1910 is also a Re Tool.

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    These are a few more pictures of the series by Mountford related to the Mountain Artillery sets. The mountain gun is Mountford but the garrison is Little Legion, and on the third image the garrison is Mountford, but paired to a ACW Napoleon just to show the garrion finish up, they were never intended to be paired on a display as it would not be accurate.


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    The Major
    The Major
    Very nice to see these, many thanks for shareing with us.
    A few more pics of the garrison


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    Our Special working Parachutes are produced from this Parachute Mould Tooling. Copyright © Studio Paris Art. Maxime Jouhan Chevallier. All Rights Reserved. 2023.
    Our Mountford Mountain Gun Howitzer. Originaly issued with Indian Colonial artillery crew sets. A new tool is to be created for this Model from our Copyrights. (Note Photo only .Figures of Crew shown here are from "HOCKER" of the USA.
    This is a great gun, I have it matched with some Mountford and non Mountford gunners and the set is just great......


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    The Mountford Nordenfeldt Gun on Wheeled carriage painted and assembled Model. We secured this one because it got stolen at the Port in Tarange N Z. I will strip her down, re enginner the tooling and make some new additonal parts and detail improvements to Daves "original" designs.
    Gunner is original D L figure.


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    Our Casting White Metal (nicknamed White Gold !) is of a VERY HIGH PURETY only. We DO NOT USE cheaper Alloys from certain suppliers, that contain dirty troublesome "Impurities". NOTE All Metal Ingots are securely stored and guarded at a secure location and nothing of "value" ever gets left inside the works at night or weekends.
    Polite Information.
    Some of our Mould toolings ARE "very old" and some, like Jock Coutts Under Two Flags "New" (before 1998 !!!!) have NEVER ever been worked or cast up before. Due to rough and slip shod Shipping from N Z, some tools are bent and disfigured, leading to technical delays and special compensations in our workshop.

    The Major
    The Major
    Above>; One of our Two De Burring points. Rotary hand held Motor Cutting, abasive and Polishing tools are used to "improve" and de Flash the older moulded products, and to remove "Flash" when present. I also oversee, and when not occupied elsewhere, personaly clean away and "De Burr" the castings before they ever go into the boxes. WE DO NOT SELL "rough work" to customers.
    Als work holds true today, the Horses "flow" and billow, just as the real horses do in real "Metal" full of the Love of craftsmanship of older and better days and times....We cant "live in the past, but we can still apreciate and enjoy works from it...
    Barded Horse before flash clean up and separatiopn....Al Charles designed a lot of these Horses, as well as the "Thrones" for Camelot....and the King and Queen figures too.....When Al died a few years back we bought a lot of neevr before released MASTERS from his friend who cleared out his workshop.....I will be issuing those.....
    The Major
    The Major
    Al Charles did a lot of work for Greenwood and Ball, and a lot of other makers as a subcontractor too. He made many of our ROSEDALE figures by the way too.....
    Wave effect of billowing moving cloth from a Medieval Barded Horse. We have got literaly Dozens and Dozens of different horses, a LOT are Medieval, including "Heavy Cavalry Armoured Horse". There are Dozens more among the DUCAL figure range too....
    Not the "Mountford Kit" This one came from Rosedale. I got some 1 in 4 issues as you can see over those spoke wheels for this Mould. (Mountford Light Limbers cast up fine so strange....) . Gattling Gun on wheeled carriage. 1/32 Scale. I mentioned this kit to David James Love, who confirmed he did not know about this one.....
    Some of the Wing castings for our WW1 Aeroplane kit.
    The Major
    The Major
    Aeroplane to 1/32 Scale in solid Metal. When finished sold as a Painted ready Model, this will be a more expensive item....
    well let me know when you have an assembled and painted model so as to see and also price range for a finished model, would be interested for my collection.
    Some of Abrams Mould toolings from ROSEDALE. I get rhough between ten to fifteen of these in an afternoon (if no issues or additional time needed).
    Some of Jock Coutts Under Two Flags Soudanese Infantry at the attack run. We got a few wee issues with a couple of good old Jocks Moulds (due to rough handling during N Z SHipping Grrrr) but they come ou perfectly 85 % of the time, so I AM going to offer you these for sale once again (Sniff have to make some repalcement tools again sighhh)....
    The Major
    The Major
    Jock Coutts U2F Soudanese, we believe to be circa before 1996 Anybody know the exact first date of his Egyptian Soudain production please? Do let us know....
    Anybody want a large super heavy Gun for a office or Barracks Rooms Paper weight? Kaputnik had blocked the Mould with sticky muck for this one, Devils own job to clean up.....(used too much cash for him I guess?!) It is a Limited Edition item, sure, but it will be available for a good time.

    The Scenery "background Flats" for the Knights Tents at the Medieval Jousting Tournament scene.....more on that one later....These have not been seen or marketed or made in this world for MANY many long years.....some items ive cast not made for over twnety five or thirty years.....Nostalgia. "Les Chevaliers de Enfance" nest pas?
    The Major
    The Major
    Mould date shows 1989....'last Mould tool built, likely older....
    Two more Norman Cavalry riders. (I found them labelled as "saxons"° !!! Hmmmmm no, "not really"......they are Normans.
    The Major
    The Major
    One only has to examine the armour, helmet, chain mail and those tell tale could they have mistook these for "Saxons"????? Answers on a Postcard please.....
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