Double post here, but I updated my TGM Marder II display with the SS110B “SS Tankers Loading Alfie the War Dog” figure set. It’s a cute display, but I actually really like it!
Another awesome Vietnam display, Mike! I really like the way you’ve cleanly hidden the figure bases and the K&C Vietnam line is just eye candy to begin with 😎
Thank you all for the kind comments on my diorama! I really appreciate it 😃
It wasn’t a hard diorama to construct, at least in terms of the terrain, since so much of the Kursk battlefield took place on open steppes and farmland. However, getting the vehicle and figure placement right was...
Have to agree with both Panzer Ace and Mike… War Park makes some of the best and greatest variety of (mostly German) tanker figures for sure. I’ve had their figures crewing not just my War Park vehicles, but JJD, First Legion, Eagle Designs, etc.
I finally got around to posting some pics of my display with the recent Panther D tank model. It’s a busy scene containing John’s Panther D tank; Panzer I Munitionschlepper and loaders; Panzer I Ambulance with medic and wounded; along with various mechanics and crew figures from War Park. When...
That does look good! I particularly like how they included the log as part of the base for some added terrain effect (and a little bit of protection for that MG crew. Very nice.
Wayne, I’ve not tried the Marder out with War Park figures just yet, but as the vehicle is 1/30 scale, they should work well with it. The TGM Marder crew figures scale pretty well with War Park and W. Britain figures on their own:
And the new TGM figures scale decently with some of the First...
I received my Marder II on Friday and it’s a beautiful and highly detailed model! It is definitely an improvement in quality for Thomas Gunn’s armor and bodes well for the quality of future releases… Even the decals/markings look painted on. There’s not a ton of weathering, but the 3-tone...
What a fantastic and attractive way to display your dioramas, Dragoon! I may have to emulate you, if only there were an IKEA store less than 3-hours drive away from me… And I really like how you’ve done the terrain on all your bases as well - it’s superb work 😎
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