Kursk’s Aftermath… A WWII vignette featuring the new Panther D Tank (1 Viewer)


First Sergeant
Nov 27, 2018
I finally got around to posting some pics of my display with the recent Panther D tank model. It’s a busy scene containing John’s Panther D tank; Panzer I Munitionschlepper and loaders; Panzer I Ambulance with medic and wounded; along with various mechanics and crew figures from War Park. When the Panther was originally announced, I’d envisioned a similar “after the battle” type of scene making use of the Panzer I variants along with the Panther and like the way it came out. Hope you all enjoy as well 😎

very cleverly done!
a perfectly successful scene! each figurine is strategically arranged and gives realism in detail...
the scene exudes real intensity... perfect!
I DO enjoy it as well. There's a lot to look at. Very nicely composed. Great use of the different vehicles and armor support personnel.
A little dio that tells a big story.
Beautiful display and the Panther was the star of the show, they just did not have enough of them. It is hard for me to visualize the size and intensity of the Battle of Kursk. It will always be a fascination of military buffs for all time. Thanks for the photos.

Always enjoy your dio's, but this one is a real cracker. Nice and 'busy' with lots happening and plenty to look at, plus using some excellent JJD tanks and mix of figures. The placement is superb, you must have really enjoyed setting it up? Love the Panther, however also really like those Panzer 1's.
Thank you all for the kind comments on my diorama! I really appreciate it 😃

It wasn’t a hard diorama to construct, at least in terms of the terrain, since so much of the Kursk battlefield took place on open steppes and farmland. However, getting the vehicle and figure placement right was trickier. This display went through several evolutions over the last couple of months, only reaching its current form just a few days ago. It was literally a moment where removing a couple figures and changing the orientation of a vehicle or two led to that “ah-ha!” moment when it all set right in my mind…

Not sure if that’s a process those of you that also make dioramas go through, but it is with me.

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