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  1. M

    London Show Preview Figures

    Well if that's an offer to lend me your playboy collection until the vignette is released, FL can take as long as they like....{sm3}
  2. M

    London Show Preview Figures

    Actually, I had enjoyed those photos so much (a sincere thanks to UK_BOD and others for posting) that I asked about the sledge and got......from FL...........pretty much the same photo (well the same angle anyway). It's a vignette with four figures, a horse and a sledge all sculptured in...
  3. M

    London Show Preview Figures

    A single cropped photo of the sledge......I just don't get it. Were these preview figures on display in London or is this the Manhattan Project? Why exclude the greater FL community who are online and scattered around the globe.....
  4. M

    command half track!!!!!!

    That's a big help and thanks. Look forward to some close ups of both the half track and sledge. Too bad about the barn though....:(
  5. M

    command half track!!!!!!

    The photos are great and much appreciated. But aren't there several new big ticket items in that FL display? That horse-drawn sled laden with people and gear fleeing Russia looks like it may be among FL's most complicated pieces to date (for the Nap range at least) and probably deserves some...
  6. M


    As more photos emerge it seems to me that this plane has an elusive cool factor.....I suspect people with no particular interest in either models or aviation would likely find this piece cool. But that's not to suggest in any way that Jack himself is cool.....:wink2: Doug
  7. M

    A Few Photos

    Thanks Donnie, much appreciated as always.
  8. M

    Just a rant about ebay

    I tend to avoid eBay auctions with active bidding because I don't trust myself in such an environment! When I first looked up sniping (not knowing what it was) I was surprised to find I had employed the same tactic manually. In other words, whatever you call it, IMO it's a common sense...
  9. M

    Books on the American Civil War

    I've ordered it as well. Can't believe I hadn't come across it before (though I've never really read much about the American Civil War). Useful thread, thanks to all involved. Doug
  10. M

    Wild West

    Exciting prospect. I certainly didn't see this coming (I thought it'd be many more years before FL got around to doing The West). It's hard not to have a soft spot for the Wild West.
  11. M

    NOR048 US M4 75mm Sherman Tank "Hurricane" - 2nd Armored Division

    Great to see some superb crystal-clear photos of one of the new Shermans. I've yet to start collecting AFVs but it really does look very good to my (admittedly novice) eyes. I do wish FL would just send ALL their product to Frank for photographing (though I imagine Frank may well be less...
  12. M

    A Few Photos

    The AWI range has some of my favorite FL product as well. I find the uniforms, poses, overall style of the sculpting etc very pleasing to the eye. To me its a bit like the good looking younger brother of the NAP range. It also sells at quite a reasonable pace which works out great for me...
  13. M

    Purchase cost from UK sellers on Ebay/USA never adds up???

    I had exactly the same reaction and after a few such transactions was so annoyed that I did as BLReed has suggested and changed the Paypal settings so that the bank for my credit card does the conversion NOT Paypal. For me it's less about the actual sum and more about the principle...
  14. M

    What Toy Soldier items Have You Acquired in The Last 2 Weeks ?

    Talking of diecast autos, does anyone collect CMC 1:18 classic racing cars? They are unfortunately the wrong scale for TS except perhaps the 80mm or 90mm kits and VERY pricey (over $300). They are however astonishingly good. I have several of the 1920/1930s open top varieties and they...
  15. M

    “On the way to the Dardanelles”

    Only a NZ Special Forces guy could pass himself off so effectively as an Egyptian fruit vendor. Look carefully, none of the surrounding soldiers are any the wiser. Darn it those kiwis are good! By contrast, the preferred option for Australian Special Forces was in fact fishmonger. I love...
  16. M

    A Few Photos

    I'm looking forward to that. I don't suppose you have either of the AWI Mounted Personality Figures? I'm particularly interested in General Cornwallis. I don't find the catalogue images for this figure very helpful and unfortunately (unfortunately for me and unfortunately for FL as well I would...
  17. M

    A Few Photos

    Would it be safe to assume you'll also be also getting the Macedonian Phalanx when it comes out? :) Regards, Doug
  18. M

    “On the way to the Dardanelles”

    Attractive display. I especially like the fruit seller trying to flog water melon to the embarking troops. Nice touch.....I bet he's a kiwi {sm4}
  19. M

    Downsized "The Fall of Singapore" display

    Of course, the Japanese only entered (or perhaps even had unfettered access to) the unlocked back door of Singapore after first conquering the entire Malaysian Peninsula. As for fortifications.....pillboxes, land mines, barbed wire and heavy casualties didn't stop them from taking the beaches...
  20. M

    WWI B-Type London Bus and French 75mm Gun

    Can't believe how well that bus turned out! Thanks for the photos, they show it off brilliantly. John's work is slowly but surely sucking me into WW1. He's some kind of evil genius....wouldn't be surprised if he pops up in the next Bond flick :)