Just a rant about ebay (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Jun 29, 2008
I have been using EBAY's onlne sniping service for years (Auction Sniper) with no issues. All of a sudden I needed to provide verification to prevent fraud. You would think they would tell you this when you enter the snipe, nope they wait until the snipe time to tell you that you need to provide verification. Lost that auction. Just aggravating I have been trying to get this item for awhile.

For some reason I can not enter the verification number. Some of the numbers are bolded and some are not bolded. For the life of me I can not figure out how to bold numbers. I put in a help ticket, based on EBAYs usual great customer service I expect a quick response.;):rolleyes2:

Thank you for reading my rant. I consider this my therapy session. I am better now.


just copy as written...

usually in small caps...but sometimes in large cap as coded...

you don't need to "bold" anything...

just copy as written...
I know what you mean- I have lost one or two auctions because eBay decided to have an add or required me to decline some random offer of service.

one last thing...

Auction Sniper...which I use...claims not to be affiliated with Ebay...

look at this link...


scroll down to this section...

----------------------Why do you require my eBay password?---------------------------

Auction Sniper is not associated with eBay in any way. Auction Sniper acts as your bidding agent. To do so, your username, password and email address must be in our database.

just copy as written...

usually in small caps...but sometimes in large cap as coded...

you don't need to "bold" anything...

just copy as written...

I will try that look forward to meeting you at the Texas show.
They should ban sniping services like that all together.

I like as I do not have to watch the auction. I put in the highest amount I wish to pay for the item then I do not have to worry about the item.
Except this time lol.
I've never used one. If I put in $100 as my max bid on eBay, and I won't pay more, how does the sniping service help me over eBay just bidding for me up to $100
The only thing about snipeing is when you think you are going to win an auction, sit there, watch the seconds tick down to one and BAM you lost to a sniper. Again all is fair but it just gets under your skin when you loose.
I'm like Zach.I put the most I will pay and if somebody goes over it I lose.
The reason some people don't like sniping tools is they are designed to enter a bid at the very last possible second making it impossible for anyone that might be outbid to reconsider and enter a new higher amount. It goes on the principle that if you simply bid using ebay your max amount of $100 and another person comes along to bid you both raise the bidding up and enter a bidding war. In the process both bidders get actively engaged and quiet possibly raise the overall selling price too. A person snipes because they often times can avoid ever getting into that bidding war at all. By placing a last second bid it prevents anyone else from thinking twice and having a chance to put in another bid after them.

The way to fix that issue is to do what real auctions do, which is extending the time allotted for an item by x minutes each time a bid is received to allow anyone else to bid higher if they want. That IS the point of an auction, to accept bids and make money for sellers.

I've never used auction sniping tools ever. I don't have any issues winning stuff on ebay either.
jpipes hit the nail on the head. While I used to use snipping tools, I got tired of paying the extra money and realized that I generally watched the last few minutes anyway. I think jpipes extension idea is perfect.
My question was meant more as why not snipe (and I don't mean through a service, which I don't use). The reasons why you should are in jpipe's post. To elaborate, I won't bid until the last five seconds; I don't want to set a number that is only going to cost me money. Moreover, by not bidding early, you don't get invested in the figure as you might if you bid early. Lastly, by bidding at the end you have to give it your best shot; this prevents you from bidding an amount you might later regret.

I wouldn't have an issue if eBay changed the bidding format but I don't think they're going to change a very successful business model.

personally I think it is not honourable and a practice that gentlemen should not participate in. I think it creates irrational bidding especially when more than one sniper is involved and it makes an auction basically about the last second which often drives up prices more if people did rationale bidding in he opening. I recently experienced an auction where last second bidding drove the price beyond the BIN price. If you want an item.. bid for it manually. As you can tell I have no sympathy for snipers....
Although everyone has to decide how they approach bidding in an eBay style auction, I think the attitude is somewhat quaint, particularly if a person would like the item. Moreover, you're conflating morals with economics and they have little to do with each other in this context. I actually find bidding early in the auction process irrational because it gives others a target to shoot at and can only cost you money in the long run. However, to each his own.
I'm a proponent of sniping...

I use it...
and I don't look at it as un-honorable...
I think it's one of the most economical and most savvy tools available to win an auction at the lowest price...

if it saves me money...
I'm all for it...

but like Brad says...

"to each his own"...
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I tend to avoid eBay auctions with active bidding because I don't trust myself in such an environment!

When I first looked up sniping (not knowing what it was) I was surprised to find I had employed the same tactic manually.

In other words, whatever you call it, IMO it's a common sense solution to a problem though I agree that it is kind of ruthless.
Although everyone has to decide how they approach bidding in an eBay style auction, I think the attitude is somewhat quaint, particularly if a person would like the item. Moreover, you're conflating morals with economics and they have little to do with each other in this context. I actually find bidding early in the auction process irrational because it gives others a target to shoot at and can only cost you money in the long run. However, to each his own.

I think ebay would be a better place without such cutthroats, thugs and/or rogues but saying all that we still also have to deal with global shipping surcharges which is the bigger problem today....

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