It's exciting to see The Gallipoli Campaign receiving so much attention.
Simpson and his donkey in particular are going to be hard to resist.
I'm not usually one for conspiracy theories but I'm beginning to wonder if all these Australian releases somehow tie in with Australia's involvement in...
I have several of FL's cannons and probably like this one the best.
I only have one member of this particular crew, the officer (SYW014), but I think he's very well done and so wouldn't hesitate to get other members.
Unfortunately though, my SYW014 arrived with one eye painted properly and one...
With that long drawn out face, he almost reminds me of Gomer Pyle.
Given the jiving gunner that preceded this, I dread to think who might be atop the next FL Sherman......Mr Bean??
From the photos I've seen, the tank itself looks very impressive though.
All that effort is very much appreciated.
I have zero access to TS shows or even shops myself so photos are vital to me.
A number of your shots will help greatly with my decision-making process.
This seems like a sensible explanation to me.
I don't find it particularly surprising that a figure designed to stand inside a tank might turn out a little "petite" or even slightly anatomically off.
The very long face (its so long it almost reminds me of a horse's head) suggests to me that...
I'd be tempted by Vikings.
First I'd have to download Led Zep's Immigrant Song but after that there'd be no stopping me :)
But can you have a Viking Range without a Viking's a bit of a zen riddle
I've no inside information on the new ranges but I'm wondering if we might not have the Mongols unleashed upon us.
FL loves epic and the Mongols were epic (among other things{sm2}).
Any other best guesses as to what ranges we're likely to get as opposed to what we long for?
I bought this guy once but he got completely annihilated in the post and I had to send him back....alas that was the end of my Ancient Greek collection.
I'd like to see First Legion do the Thespians because a large group of them with black capes and shields would be an ominous sight. Gotta love...
Another lavish figure for the 120mm collection, and I see what you mean about the hair!
I wish there were more female figures (other than the risque stuff I mean) across all scales. Empresses and Queens in particular seem to be underrepresented. For example, a Japanese Empress (with an Emperor...
I can appreciate that the Persians are somewhat unusual, an entire release of complex figures starting at $70(69.95), but the latest French Naps start at $65 for rank n file and the latest AWI Redcoats, $67.
The march towards $70 for rank n file figures looks completely unstoppable and I see no...
I'm somewhat conflicted by this issue.
By and large the quality continues to improve (the Fighting Praetorians are to me the clearest recent example of that) but FL price increases seem to be a constant as well. Combined with the strengthening US dollar it is increasingly problematic for me...
I too feel that the mounted figures are some of FL's best sculpts and many of the horses are nothing short of astounding.
Like Joe however, I am not a fan of the stock photos.
With more and more of these high-end mounted figures being released I find I'm having to make difficult choices (I...
This topic was recently raised (albeit briefly) on a FL thread (AG016-023 Alexander and Companion Cavalry) though not specifically in relation to Knights.
The horses of Knights, Crusaders etc often have capes which are made of solid metal, potentially making the figures even more top heavy than...
I'm neither an American nor a huge aviation buff but I think it's a great idea so count me in as well.
Biplanes of any era look fantastic to me and John clearly excels at making them.
I was leaning towards buying the first book you mentioned (vol.5) and will definitely get it now so thanks.
May I ask which among the other books in the series you think is the best, especially for a novice?
I will also look up the second book you mentioned.
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