AG040-AG055 Warriors of the Persian Empire! (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Dec 8, 2007
First Legion is very pleased present the warriors the Persian Empire! As you know, we previewed our Macedonian Phalanx last month on our workbench and these are of course their worth adversaries. Whether under the command of Xerxes or Darius serving in Greece or in what is now modern day Turkey against Alexander the Great, these wonderfully colorful and intricately detailed figures really capture in stunning miniature the military forces of the Persian Empire. With 16 figures representing Immortals, Archers, Light Infantry, and heavily armed warriors with command, these new figures make a fantastic and much needed addition to our World of the Greeks figure range. These 16 striking sets will be shipping around February 23rd. We sincerely hope you enjoy them!

AG040 Persian Mounted Commander $179.95
AG041 Persian Commander on Foot $79.95
AG042 Persian Immortal with Spear $74.95
AG043 Persian Immortal with Axe $74.95
AG044 Persian Immortal with Sword $74.95
AG045 Persian Heavy Infantry Shield Bearer #1 $69.95
AG046 Persian Warrior in Median Dress $69.95
AG047 Persian Heavy Infantry Shield Bearer #2 $69.95
AG048 Persian Heavy Infantry Shield Bearer #3 $69.95
AG049 Persian Warrior with Spear and Shield $74.95
AG050 Persian Light Infantry with Javelins $69.95
AG051 Persian Archer Scanning for Targets $74.95
AG052 Persian Archer Loading $74.95
AG053 Persian Archer Firing $74.95
AG054 Persian Archer Just Fired $79.95
AG055 Persian Wounded Guardsman from Susa $74.95
Pre-Order, Shipping Late February 2015










































First Legion
Excellent figures and a very exciting series. Will we see some Persian cavalry and perhaps even a charriot?
I assume the Macedonian Phalanx figures will be released shortly as well.
These will make nice canon fodder for FL's Greeks! {sm3} Very detailed and colourful figures though. Well done FL!
Interesting figures..

However, the canadian market won't support those prices : 70$ US is now more than 100$CDN once you add the taxes. Can't wait for our loony to rise again !



These will make nice canon fodder for FL's Greeks! {sm3} Very detailed and colourful figures though. Well done FL!
WOW!{eek3} I love the mounted commander and the detail on the entire range is exquisite. AG054, among others, is a stunning figure, and I love how FL covers the small details like full wicker detailing on the inside of the shields as opposed to just leaving the inside of the shields blank. I will definitely have to pick up some of these figures starting w/ the mounted commander. Prices have gone up, yes, but the Persians require a lot of detailed paint and the range as whole represents another step toward connoisseur level miniatures. I'm really impressed. Congratulations to FL on a fine job. I hope HB and Sierra have these figures at the Westcoaster.

I'm somewhat conflicted by this issue.

By and large the quality continues to improve (the Fighting Praetorians are to me the clearest recent example of that) but FL price increases seem to be a constant as well. Combined with the strengthening US dollar it is increasingly problematic for me personally.

I suppose I could change my approach and just pick the eyes out of any particular release (ie. only get the best one or two figures) but I turned to FL so that I could put together "formations" of semi-connoisseur figures and at some point (soon?) this will no longer be practical.

Are the people who were putting together formations (Naps,AWI etc) at $40/50 a figure still able to do so at $65/70 a figure or have they changed their approach or moved on?

I'm not trying to be the bad guy here but I'm surprised by how little push back there is against the nearly constant price creep. A year or two from now we could well be at $75/80 a figure......
I'm somewhat conflicted by this issue.

By and large the quality continues to improve (the Fighting Praetorians are to me the clearest recent example of that) but FL price increases seem to be a constant as well. Combined with the strengthening US dollar it is increasingly problematic for me personally.

I suppose I could change my approach and just pick the eyes out of any particular release (ie. only get the best one or two figures) but I turned to FL so that I could put together "formations" of semi-connoisseur figures and at some point (soon?) this will no longer be practical.

Are the people who were putting together formations (Naps,AWI etc) at $40/50 a figure still able to do so at $65/70 a figure or have they changed their approach or moved on?

I'm not trying to be the bad guy here but I'm surprised by how little push back there is against the nearly constant price creep. A year or two from now we could well be at $75/80 a figure......

I love First Legion figures. They are best quality available on the market only except these painted by artists in St. Petersburg, which are much more expensive - there prices are also going up drastically last years. I'm painting myself a little bit and I'm always curies how First Legion managed to train people in China to do such great work or who is really painting them.
I don't collect very popular WWII period so I cannot compare these with other producers.
But I can compare napoleonic, roman, AWI or ACW with Conte, K&C, CS, Britains and others which I used to collect before. Not any more - since First Legion started to offer their masterpieces I sold all my metal collection for half price on ebay and buy only First Legion now + sometimes St. Petersburg (no choice till First Legion releases Polish Winged Hussars and Jannisaries).

However I fully agree with McFuglas. And one correction here, these figures (new Persians) are already 75 $ now - see prices below, most of the figures is >= 74.95$. These are most expensive First Legion figures (on foot) today. So in a year it will be 85$ at least. I would like that my salary grows so fast. And it's true dolar is very expensive now. To not mention VAT tax problem here in Europe which makes extra 25% to the price.
Answering your quesion, no I'm not able to buy complete series anymore. From last releases I'm fully completing only fighting Pretorians.

So what I buy now? I'm buying older figures from Napoleonic/AWI ranges as they are still available in cheaper prices.

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These are fair questions of course regarding price, so allow me the opportunity to respond.

These AG Figures are in a class of figures that takes about 30% more work/time to produce due to the complex uniform patterns and decorations. This isn't anything new as we've produced such complex figures before at such price points. SAM005 Samurai Archer was produced almost five years ago and sold at that time for $79.95. ROM079 Vercingetorix is $74.95. Several of the other Ancient Germans and Gallic Warriors, both of which were produced a few years ago, are $69.95. Such is the nature of the business of hand producing products such as these Persians that are far more complex than the run of the mill figure. To produce Persians and have them look historically accurate means very complex patterns and a lot of them. So by no means should this particular release be viewed as a new common price level, it just happens to be an entire release made up entirely of complex figures, something we've never done before. By contrast, the upcoming Macedonian Phalanx figures will be $59.95.

As a company, we have chosen not to produce the more simplistic toy soldiers instead preferring to focus on high end connoisseur figures and with that our prices will of course always be higher than other makers. But our prices are not so high relative to the quality that we produce. These Persians are superior in every way to many of the figures coming out of Russia that are $100-$150 USD. So while more expensive than our average figure, they still represent a tremendous value in the connoisseur figure market and a large step up in quality over the typical "toy soldier" at a relatively marginal price increase.


The hardest choice in this hobby is to pick which ones we can buy, at times you really like to get a particular line, but common sense is stopping us, can I get it to the point where I want It to be, and stop it, and be happy or not?
This particular pieces are pretty high in price, but as Matt said the samurai archer was at $79.95 (4 years ago), and the intricacies in the painting and the mold are pretty much the same as the archer, so for the price point to be not the same as the archer, Is not surprising. The Zulu-Anglo Pieces are selling at $64.95 that I am planning to get deep into, are $10.00+ less. And does not have the same intricacies as these do. I would love to get these Persians, but I just can not do it. But, I have to be honest, if there were Spartans with their red cloaks, this decision would be really tough.
One option is to buy the K&C pieces @ $49.95, but is the detailing enough. Not for me. I like most of the K&C products, but not their Persians.
Ok this explains why Persians are more expensive. I didn't think of this but indeed painting patterns must be more time consuming.
Thank you for explaining this.
And yes we all know FL figures are best quality relation to the price.


These are fair questions of course regarding price, so allow me the opportunity to respond.

These AG Figures are in a class of figures that takes about 30% more work/time to produce due to the complex uniform patterns and decorations. This isn't anything new as we've produced such complex figures before at such price points. SAM005 Samurai Archer was produced almost five years ago and sold at that time for $79.95. ROM079 Vercingetorix is $74.95. Several of the other Ancient Germans and Gallic Warriors, both of which were produced a few years ago, are $69.95. Such is the nature of the business of hand producing products such as these Persians that are far more complex than the run of the mill figure. To produce Persians and have them look historically accurate means very complex patterns and a lot of them. So by no means should this particular release be viewed as a new common price level, it just happens to be an entire release made up entirely of complex figures, something we've never done before. By contrast, the upcoming Macedonian Phalanx figures will be $59.95.

As a company, we have chosen not to produce the more simplistic toy soldiers instead preferring to focus on high end connoisseur figures and with that our prices will of course always be higher than other makers. But our prices are not so high relative to the quality that we produce. These Persians are superior in every way to many of the figures coming out of Russia that are $100-$150 USD. So while more expensive than our average figure, they still represent a tremendous value in the connoisseur figure market and a large step up in quality over the typical "toy soldier" at a relatively marginal price increase.


I can appreciate that the Persians are somewhat unusual, an entire release of complex figures starting at $70(69.95), but the latest French Naps start at $65 for rank n file and the latest AWI Redcoats, $67.

The march towards $70 for rank n file figures looks completely unstoppable and I see no reason to believe it will just suddenly cease there (hope time proves me wrong).

I collect formations of FL Nap and AWI infantry.
Am I simply a dying breed whose time has finally come??
Am I....cue orchestral score and closing credits....the last of the McFuglas{sm2}
I can appreciate that the Persians are somewhat unusual, an entire release of complex figures starting at $70(69.95), but the latest French Naps start at $65 for rank n file and the latest AWI Redcoats, $67.

The march towards $70 for rank n file figures looks completely unstoppable and I see no reason to believe it will just suddenly cease there (hope time proves me wrong).

I collect formations of FL Nap and AWI infantry.
Am I simply a dying breed whose time has finally come??
Am I....cue orchestral score and closing credits....the last of the McFuglas{sm2}

Good point to compare napoleonic figures prices as FL just released new French Line Infantry marching. First set released (or one of the first, I'm not sure anymore) in 2008 was also French Line Infanry marching. I have more 20 of these first figures. For me they are as great as new releases, (as well as AWI first releases, British 5th Regt. of Foot is best of AWI British released till now).
These first figures were 40$ per one, new release is 65$ per one. So more than 50% up. In the same time other manufactures also increased the prices, I don't know how much exactly. Russian figures growed at least 100% in that time, this I know from my own experience.
The point here is that FL has in fact no competition in the world in creating best quality masterfigures. Option is only to buy Russian figures, which are still a bit better, but cost 150% more (already 160$ per one foot figure), and opposite to First Legion, they don't offer formations of matching figures in many poses, allowing to build great battle fields. From this reason I think more and more collectors choose First Legion figures today. So price growing up will not stop good selling.
So like already said I agree with Last of the McFuglas, it is painful to not be able to buy full series which I like. And I'm also affraid that prices will keep growing, as all hand made work requiring high skills is getting more and more expensive in any business.
From other side, thank you Matt that FL exists and we can own these pieces or art.
II sold all my metal collection for half price on ebay and buy only First Legion now + sometimes St. Petersburg (no choice till First Legion releases Polish Winged Hussars and Jannisaries).


Hi Janusz,
I'm hopeful someday we will see a line based on the siege of Vienna, I'm also very interested in the battle and times. We got to visit the collection in Vienna and just can't get it out of my mind. There is an image of Polish winged Hussars on the First Legion box art so we have a right to dream correct :wink2:. By the way I have seen images of your collection on another thread and you have some beautiful pieces. regards Gebhard
The hardest choice in this hobby is to pick which ones we can buy, at times you really like to get a particular line, but common sense is stopping us, can I get it to the point where I want It to be, and stop it, and be happy or not?

When I first started with FL there were only Bavarians and then the Napoleonic line started to develop at that time figures were about $34.95 ( to be fair way under priced from the start) so it was easy for me to focus on each new release as they came out and buy at least one and some many multiples no trouble. Coming from Aeroart and commissions the lower prices of FL plus the bonus of much more variations in poses to me they were and still are a GOD send and I make no apologies for saying it. Now with so many new lines it has become imposable to buy one of each of every line I collect. I used to be able to complete every new release but know I find I'm cherry picking and I have really learned to except it and have a Great time as well. Looking back at my profile I set up when I joined TF First Legion are now covering every single period I had a collecting interest at that time plus Landesknechte which I never dreamed anyone would touch.

With so many choices and also increased prices it has become easy for my collecting style to adapt. I think you can get to a point and still really enjoy the Hobby, really just how much or how many is enough? regards Gebhard
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Hi Janusz,
I'm hopeful someday we will see a line based on the siege of Vienna, I'm also very interested in the battle and times. We got to visit the collection in Vienna and just can't get it out of my mind. There is an image of Polish winged Hussars on the First Legion box art so we have a right to dream correct :wink2:. By the way I have seen images of your collection on another thread and you have some beautiful pieces. regards Gebhard

Hi Gebhard,
Yes I'm also living with this hope, there are already 2 different Polish Hussars paintings on FL boxes. This may mean nothing, but I hope it means something. I understand Matt never inform us in advance about future releases planes, this makes sense from business and manufactures competition point of view. So I don't ask.
I have even more hope for Janissaries to come, because opposite to different Polish Hussars kits available, Janissaries in 54mm are just a few existing. Doesn't mean that I will not buy all hussars if they come - no doubts I will, and here understanding for Matt words about extra work required for some more complex figures, Polish Winged Hussars collection would need for sure more work then other typical mounted figures.
I was visiting Vienna last year but missed Polish Hussars collection, if I understand you well. But obviously there are many exhibitions here in Poland.

If anybody else interested what we are talking about, here is a link to my web page with photos:

Good point to compare napoleonic figures prices as FL just released new French Line Infantry marching. First set released (or one of the first, I'm not sure anymore) in 2008 was also French Line Infanry marching. I have more 20 of these first figures. For me they are as great as new releases, (as well as AWI first releases, British 5th Regt. of Foot is best of AWI British released till now).
These first figures were 40$ per one, new release is 65$ per one. So more than 50% up. In the same time other manufactures also increased the prices, I don't know how much exactly. Russian figures growed at least 100% in that time, this I know from my own experience.
The point here is that FL has in fact no competition in the world in creating best quality masterfigures. Option is only to buy Russian figures, which are still a bit better, but cost 150% more (already 160$ per one foot figure), and opposite to First Legion, they don't offer formations of matching figures in many poses, allowing to build great battle fields. From this reason I think more and more collectors choose First Legion figures today. So price growing up will not stop good selling.
So like already said I agree with Last of the McFuglas, it is painful to not be able to buy full series which I like. And I'm also affraid that prices will keep growing, as all hand made work requiring high skills is getting more and more expensive in any business.
From other side, thank you Matt that FL exists and we can own these pieces or art.

Very well said. And I think pretty much every collector, will be pinching here and there, just so they can get, the ones they like. But, it will truly be treasured each one of them.
Matt, now that you've kindly placed the Hoplites on sale, how about doing the same (even if for a very limited time and price reductions perhaps not as drastic) for these fine figures.

What's the good of having one side if you can't have the other :wink2:

Matt, now that you've kindly placed the Hoplites on sale, how about doing the same (even if for a very limited time and price reductions perhaps not as drastic) for these fine figures.

What's the good of having one side if you can't have the other :wink2:


I second that and would add the Macedonian Phalanx figures!

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