Search results

  1. Aggie99

    Fixing a Britain (Help!!)

    Thanks! I would try the "pin" approach, but the horses leg is so skinny that I don't see how I could ever drill a hole in it. (Not sure how to answer the "casting" question...but the horse is solid, if that is what you mean). I guess I should ask, if I don't drill a hole and use the pin...
  2. Aggie99

    Fixing a Britain (Help!!)

    Okay, so I have a British Soldier on Horseback (made by Britains) that I got when I was a kid. He has been on my shelf forever, but recently was knocked off and fell onto my desk and the horses leg broke off!! (Its really more of just the foot breaking off at the ankle). I was curious if any...
  3. Aggie99

    Metal Kit Figure question

    Wow guys, thanks for all the info (Especially Barron! What a post!! Thanks!) I guess I will go on and take the leap. Who knows how this will end up...but if its any good, I will post photos at some point in the future.
  4. Aggie99

    Metal Kit Figure question

    Templar, Good point on painting before gluing. I will remember that!! Baron, THe pinning technique that you speak of sounds interesting and makes a lot of sense. However, I am not equip to do that as of right now. Would I have to get a special drill? Or just special...small....drill...
  5. Aggie99

    Metal Kit Figure question

    Thanks So, I am hearing I can use the exact same paints for the metal figure. Good to know!! But what about the glue? I figured I glue them together, but what type of glue? Super Glue??
  6. Aggie99

    Metal Kit Figure question

    I hope this is the right thread, but it says "Kit Building" so I figured it would apply. I am about to buy a metal figure online. It is labeled as "Unpainted and Unassmebled metal hobby kit." I am not familiar with metal kits at all, and had some questions. I am hoping someone here can help...
  7. Aggie99

    Aug. 8, 2011....

    You dont happen to have an email (or website) for you? That would be great!! Thanks.
  8. Aggie99

    I guess I should change my name...

    Thanks for the encouragement. I will post a few pics once I get the figures "photo ready"....I only have one TOTALLY complete, and one that is close. (I just got back into the hobby recently). I have several that are about 1/2 finished, so hopefully I will have something worth showing fairly...
  9. Aggie99

    Help Finding - Irish Troops - 1916

    ucla1967, Thanks for the info. Those are great looking sets. I just sent you an email!!
  10. Aggie99

    Aug. 8, 2011....

    A date that will live in infamy...(okay, maybe its not that bad).... Yesterday I was sitting in my living room, when I heard a loud "crash" upstairs. I quickly ran to find out what had happened, only to find the double-door glass display case that housed/displayed all my toy soldiers laying on...
  11. Aggie99

    I guess I should change my name...

    From Aggie99 to "Trash Man"...haha. I have found that while (like anyone) I too enjoy a very fine miniature....I have gotten a "kick" out of painting and fixing up really cheap plastic soldiers. It started a few months back when I bought a bag of "made in china" soldiers at the dollar-store...
  12. Aggie99

    Help Finding - Irish Troops - 1916

    Thanks for all the links. I did a quick search on each site and didnt really find anything I can use, but I will do a more in-depth search later and will hopefully come up with something. Obee, thanks for the link to the IRA figure that you posted. It took me a while to find him on the site...
  13. Aggie99

    Help Finding - Irish Troops - 1916

    Okay...I have been gone from the forum for a while (Law School semester finals got in the way..haha), but I am back now. 1) Does anyone know of a place where I could possibly find some "civilian" figures in Early 1900 to 1920's style dress? See the photo below for what I am talking about. I...
  14. Aggie99


    Thanks guys! However, I am still pretty new here, and dont know all the lingo please help me out. CTS?? Also...Gary, are you saying that in order to make them all blend together better you spray paint them all one color? I just wanted to make sure I understood. So, like all of...
  15. Aggie99

    Normandy Dio Help

    Thanks to all! Very good book suggestions and I plan on checking them all out! JohnnyBach, I have actually been to France. I spent about two months there about eleven years ago. I went to Paris (2 weeks) then caught a train to Southern France (Toulouse) where I rented a car and drove...
  16. Aggie99

    Primer for Plastic TSSD Soldiers!?

    Thanks for all the advice. I think at this point I am just going to finish the paint job and learn from my mistakes. I will use this figure as a learning tool, and practice some techniques, etc. Hopefully, he wont peel...but if he does, then I will strip him and start over at that time...
  17. Aggie99

    Tamiya Paint Question

    Wow...thanks for all the help! I am not an "air-brusher" so I didn't know about a lot of the things that were mentioned. It was all news to me! I have also only used hobby store brand acrylics (until this Tamiya paint). I think I have gotten the hang of the Tamiya paint, but I really...
  18. Aggie99


    I am a big fan of TSSD, but was curious what other brands out there are similar and would go well with TSSD figures? I have heard the Conte figures are similar in shape, size, etc. and go well with TSSD. Are there any others??
  19. Aggie99

    Primer for Plastic TSSD Soldiers!?

    Frustrated....!! So far the gray primer is still "tacky" or "sticky" but hasn't done anything else yet. I received the acrylic paint in the mail that I wanted to paint with so I got started a couple of days ago. I have painted a good portion of the TSSD Soldier with the paint (probably about...
  20. Aggie99

    Tamiya Paint Question

    Thanks for the info on the Tamiya paint. At least I now know that it is the paint, and I am not going crazy. haha. Yeah, I too have had better results from the acrylics I bought down at the local hobby store. I only bought this one b/c I needed a very specific color. Oh, and as for the...