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  1. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    We decided to add a few stumps and additional fallen trees plus some bunker scraps.
  2. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    Beginning to add foliage. This will require patience since more looks better
  3. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    The dirt is largely complete. Next up will be the foliage. This dio will primarily feature grasses.
  4. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    Painting continued... Adding the textured dirt paint without thinning it. We used this to embed small rock patches on the dio. Experimenting with the first bits of foliage
  5. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    Even though the following detail won't be visible when the roof is in place we wanted to add it for fun. Between the two rows of logs on the bunker should be medium sized stones. We used foam to fill up most of the space ..and then topped it with appropriately sized rocks We made...
  6. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    Making the bunker stairs out of foam and celluclay
  7. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    Testing the fit of the roof Adding the final cross beams Gluing the roof together Adding dirt to the roof. It will be a challenge when this shrinks so weights are going to be used to hold the edges of the roof down.
  8. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    Since all the drilling and cutting is done by hand none of log end are precise. This created a problem for the flared bunker firing port.. Nothing a belt sander can't correct. Much better Final assembly of the bunker. We started with a cross piece that joined left and right halves...
  9. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    The intent of the tracks is to represent softer ground on the left side of the board. This meant the track gradually gets darker from right to left. Painting behind the bunker Test fitting assembled left and right halves of the bunker
  10. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    With the left side glued together we tested overall fit with the unfinished parts. Assembling the right side The gun pit continues to get detailing. We darkened select tracks to replicate wetter dirt.
  11. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    More logs including the roof. Final fitting and assembly
  12. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    Getting there Darkening some of the tracks Cleaning up the saddle joints on the logs Rough fitting
  13. fmethorst

    World War II 1939-45 (Pictures)

    These are really nice figures. I'm happy with any figure that I can blend into one of my scenes.
  14. fmethorst

    World War II 1939-45 (Pictures)

    February 1943
  15. fmethorst

    World War II 1939-45 (Pictures)

    February, 1943
  16. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    Now we're going to fill the two big puddles in the gun pit. Coloring and some resin (same resin we used for the creek scene last year) Pouring the puddles Using the experience gained from the creek we broke the surface tension with Q-tips. Trying different ideas for a wet mud...
  17. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    Testing the gun pit
  18. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

  19. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    Working on two things today. Painting the ground and starting the bunker build. We simplified the below ground elements and simply stacked logs for the interior.
  20. fmethorst

    Bunker / Gun Emplacement scene

    Touch ups