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    Normandy farm

    hello friends this is how looks today the farm. the roof tiles are one by one and are done with card board froma a corn flakes box. for stone I use cork nad balsa for the the wood
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    Lola Simon Midle East Houses

    this is how will look our first pieces for toy soldiers scenarios. this is a pre production piece that soon could be offered to customers. Hope that this colud be interesting for all collectors that made is collection about colonial armies
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    Lola Simon Midle East Houses

    these pieces are now in process of production, we will offer them to collectors this fall, we will anunce here when we have these pieces at collector´s dispossal. This collection will be a short run production. thanks you for your interest
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    A Bridge to Inferno dio

    the bridge is completed , now we must work in the river side and painting job...
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    Normandy farm

    I´m working in the french farm now I have added the roof that are done with single pieces
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    Lola Simon Midle East Houses

    the street that Lola Simon are making is near is finished, soom we start casting these masters and could paint it
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    A Bridge to Inferno dio

    Hello some updates of my bridge, I have adedd the nails, was a very slow process , every nail have two pieces and was do individually. I´m start with the platform
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    Lola Simon Midle East Houses

    we are advanced a bit more in our arab scene. This will be masters for a new line of buildings that we can release in autumn, 2013
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    middle east street scene

    Hello all, this is a scene that Lola simon and I are working, this show a tipical old houses from middle East. is done in Porex.
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    Lola Simon Midle East Houses

    Hello all, this is the first steps of a new work of Lola Simon, this will be the masters for a line of products that if we find interest among collectors, we will release them.
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    spanish stone old ruin Lola Simon work

    Hello, a new work of Lola Simon , this depicts a dereligted ruin of a stone house.
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    friend´s work presentation

    thanks Mike! hello guys the correct adress for see more works of Lola is
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    friend´s work presentation

    Hello all, I want show us the work of a friend mine that could be interesting for pleople that want make buildings or collectors. She made is pieces with extruded isolating foam. How she works can be seen in the is blog
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    Normandy farm

    Hello all, this is a project where I´m working for some time ago. I use for it cork and balsa wood. I made a general structure with cardboard foam covered with cork for make the texture. soon I will show more photos but meanwhile you can see more information at...
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    Blockhaus new releases

    the good adress is: sorry!
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    Blockhaus new releases

    Hello all, we hare now making some pieces that can be casted and relased if we find some interest among the collectors. I want make some ruins of stone houses that you can find in a widely area of South Europe.these pieces can be seen in all campaings from Middle Ages until today. This...
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    A Bridge to Inferno dio

    Hello all, I´m working at small pace in this project. Now I have all four pillar near done . it´s time to finish the top of the bridge. soon more news
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    A Bridge to Inferno dio

    Hello Alex, the wood is Ramin, a soft wood used in naval modelling. cheers Carlos