A Bridge to Inferno dio (3 Viewers)

hi Carlos

may i ask what kind of wood are you using ?
Grain looks impressive for this scale


Thanks for the update Carlos, I love to be able to see the very beginnings of a dio from the start to the finished ending, look forward to your next update...Sammy
Hello all, I´m working at small pace in this project. Now I have all four pillar near done . it´s time to finish the top of the bridge. soon more news

Hi Carlos,

thanks for the update, the pillars look great and the project is coming along nicely, again take what ever time you need, no rush here, as they say.. "good things come to those who wait" :) the detail in the wooden pillars really looks well done, I look forward to your next update, take care...Sammy
Hi all,

with the new winter Russians on the way and some winter Germans already here and hoping more to come I have a new diorama builder (blockhaus) to build a winter Russian diorama, as he is new to the 1:30 game he has some impressive modeling skills, anyway he will post pics as he works on this First legion dio...Sammy

Truly awesome diorama making skills.

Hello some updates of my bridge, I have adedd the nails, was a very slow process , every nail have two pieces and was do individually. I´m start with the platform

Thanks for the update Carlos, now that's what I call detail!!! the 2 piece bolt section looks like the real deal, thanks again for posting the updates...Sammy
Wow. This is awesome! Sammy, I am jealous!


Hello some updates of my bridge, I have adedd the nails, was a very slow process , every nail have two pieces and was do individually. I´m start with the platform

Looking good Carlos, slowly but surely the bridge part of this dio is almost complete, look forward to the winter weathering paint job and then the bunker part of this dio, thanks for posting...Sammy
Unreal terrain, so much detail, too good for Toy Soldiers, this is a work of art. Robin.

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