Search results

  1. M

    Stalingrad 1942-43

    I did some larger stalingrad ruins, but my scale is 20mil, i am inspired to do some larger ones now.
  2. M

    28mm Terraced Stuff

    Listed a couple of my new items guys, 28mm this time, Double Terraced ruin and a corner shop, I have the double terraced undamaged ready and single terrace also, these i will list tomorrow. an how to on...
  3. M

    Roads and Farmouse

    Hiya Guys, Just listed my two latest additions for sale Road sections £10 a set 15mm Farmhouse £8
  4. M

    Buildings For Sale

    Hi Steve, I am working on other scales as we speak so keep your eyes open, I will post them as i finish them :smile2:
  5. M

    Buildings For Sale

    Hiya all, you can check out my ebay listings under Robertco100, I have a number of 20mm scale ruins, all scratch built and based around Stalingrad styled buildings ebay listing My blog is...