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  1. H

    Need help ID some toy soldiers

    Yes! thank you, thats definitely it. Im guessing they've wore it down to make it look "well loved" for the film:tongue: it is from the 2009 collection. Cannot find the British soldier though, but it looks like its from the same manufacturer...
  2. H

    Need help ID some toy soldiers

    This is the complete frame if that helps with the sizing
  3. H

    Need help ID some toy soldiers

    Thanks guys, the photo is actually from a film, its my brother´s favorite film so I thought it would make a nice gift if I could find them, but I recognize it is a bit of a long shot with just that one photo. Problem is that it is the only good frame of the toy soldiers in the film. I understand...
  4. H

    Need help ID some toy soldiers

    Hello everyone, my name is Ida and I am new here. I was wondering if anybody could tell me what type of toy soldiers that is in this picture?