Search results

  1. F

    In search of 18th century bastion You can make a brick model relatively easily with Hirst Art Bricks. And yes, there are Hirst Bricks that will work for the bastion points and turns. All angles are 75, 60 or 30 degrees. Now...
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    Battle of Monongahela - Flying Column and Conestoga Wagon

    Aqueon, Size 33 Long: 48-1/4 inches long x 12-3/4 inches wide and 13-3/8 inches tall. These tanks are great for displaying collections as they are long, reasonably wide and not overly tall. Readily available, but not likely on store display. An 18-inch width would have been better, but...
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    Battle of Monongahela - Flying Column and Conestoga Wagon

    Thanks Everyone for the Kind Comments, Much Appreciated Again, the display tries to follow the Advance Party Map by Robert Orme (Orme is the figure next to the fat guy on the horse - John's Lord Cumberland) From right (front) to left: 1st Aquarium Small leading detachment of older 44th...
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    Battle of Monongahela - Flying Column and Conestoga Wagon

    Final Jumble of Photos:
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    Battle of Monongahela - Flying Column and Conestoga Wagon

    Flying Column Battle of the Monongahela (1755) - Conestoga Wagon The new Monongahela marching sets for the 48th are shown (BM48- Sets 5 thru 11), as well as the new awesome Conestoga Wagon (BAL-12). The command set for BM-48 is very much needed as the "correct" regimental colors for the...
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    French Uniform Alteration of La Sarre - What is Needed? HELP!!!

    To Brad, Jean Louis Vial's link on June 18th, Delaware, USA = "took too long to respond" Google Chrome Thanks for the additional info on the uniforms. Still searching for a tad info more on the lance corporals.
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    Native Reconnaissance

    The Monongahela figure in the prow, brilliant, would never have thought of it. Wonderfully, conceived scene.
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    Huron war party

    Very nice display, I am thinking I should know those rock formations, but I do not, homemade? Any tips and descriptions would be appreciated Thanks
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    FIW, The 35th Regiment of Foot, Marching

    Very nice indeed. Another display of the 35th for which I have recently developed an obsession. Perfect size grouping for the typical detail. Normally, officers do not appear until the detail size exceeded about 15 men. Details of six would be a corporal; 10-12 Sergeant; 15 - 20 Ensign, 20...
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    June LTSS Today - Bumper crop of new JJD at the Grey Goose Collectables stand!

    Wonder how these will be marketed, as Celts or Visgoths or Franks or Vikings or something else. Please note, I still did not ask for a "boat". But I can see it now, the year is 991 A.D., a "Viking" ship entering the St. Lawrence River at Quebec, surrounded by swarms of canoes!!!
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    June LTSS Today - Bumper crop of new JJD at the Grey Goose Collectables stand!

    Finally, it looks like Mike the Barbarian gets his horde to lead!!! Pillage on, Mike!!! And, no, I did not say the word "We will need a Boat". Not me, no way, I did not say that, did not say that, did not say that!!!
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    French Uniform Alteration of La Sarre - What is Needed? HELP!!!

    Thanks, so much. Doh, me, yes, this volume is already in the library. Think we have the sergeants and corporals fully resolved, but any guidance on the lance corporals would be appreciated. This is the rank that is giving me the most trouble (ansepessades), as it appears those makkings to be...
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    French Uniform Alteration of La Sarre - What is Needed? HELP!!!

    Chris, Which Osprey book are you referencing? And nice job on the painting!!! I really like how the sergeants came out. Thanks
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    French Uniform Alteration of La Sarre - What is Needed? HELP!!!

    Thanks Guys, I referenced the Grenadiers Royaux de Modene because that page includes information on how sergeants, corporal and lance corporal uniforms differ, similar information is lacking on the La Sarre page itself. ----- not having...
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    French Uniform Alteration of La Sarre - What is Needed? HELP!!!

    Good Morning, Especailly as it regards Obee and The Baron, I could use some help here. I am thinking of having a few of the La Sarre marching figures modified to represent sergeants, corporals and lance corporals. I believe that only paint would be required (just gold and a yellow maybe for...
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    Montcalm's Army: French Indian War

    Someday before I die, I will learn to make a Table using the supplied tool and icon, but not having much luck with it. Getting antsy waiting on the new wagon!!!
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    Montcalm's Army: French Indian War

    Montcalm's Army in North America French regiments were typically organized as two battalions, but only a single battalion would have been sent to Canada with the other battalion remaining in Europe. In the case of the Regiment de Berry, two battalions were sent to Canada (2nd and 3rd) with the...
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    French Indian War - British Battalion Description

    Thanks for the kind comments, but a clarification is needed. British Battalion equals 10 Companies. At the beginning of the French & Indian War, 9 battalion companies (tricorner hats) and 1 grenadier company. The Colonel did not actually lead his own company, but the Lieutenant Colonel did...
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    French Indian War - British Battalion Description

    Bah, a typo omission: Corrected here: This was increased to 104 Rank & File per company with deployment in a war setting. Similar to naval needs during the Napoleonic Wars, Parliament authorized the impressment of the unemployed into the British Army. If you actually had a job but were...