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  1. C

    Next future news

    more soe please!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Coming releases

    i think it's too early.... as usual releases will come near mid-month
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    Dying in the mud of Belgium diorama

    magnific job!!
  4. C

    Nearly Time for Dispatches AGAIN!

    finnish troops...very good idea!!!!
  5. C

    1/30 scale Fort

    please only one piece of the fort per month.....more will be too expensive for me!!!!:o:o:o:o:o
  6. C

    1/30 scale Fort

    a bit small think a large gate for horse or vehicule modular system with separate wall section to make it bigger but it is beautiful please think low price....and and many pieces releases because it will have many success during a long time.
  7. C

    Questions & Answers

    a question for Andy: what about the SOE serie?? is it finished? no dragoons, not a young Churchill, no opponent??
  8. C

    Gunn Miniatures News

    If we were to produce a small FFL fort how many of you would find this of potential interest? I want two fort!!! you can launch the production i am sure it will be a success!!!
  9. C

    so...Dispatches Tomorrow?

    nex SOE, please!!
  10. C

    Japanese Artillery Crew Sculpts

    beautiful i hope 75 french canon too
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    Happy birthday Thomas Gunn!

    i agree with that . Andy N. took all my money this month!!{sm2}
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    Happy birthday Thomas Gunn!

    monday and no releases.......^&confuse^&confuse^&confuse
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    Happy birthday Thomas Gunn!

    Happy birhtday i hope magnificient releases for today!!!
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    no releases this month???

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    What would collectors like to see from W. Britain in the future.

    more colonial troops!!! this week 200 year oof gurkhas!!!
  16. C

    KING & COUNTRY Dispatches -- June 2015

    Crazy dispatches!! Commandos are amazing and i already need a merlin and Genievre!!!
  17. C

    May Releases???

    Heeeeeeelppppp! my tuaregs need renforcement!! {sm4}
  18. C

    Andy is maybe a nice idea to make WWII and WWI hand weapon sets only.

    totally agree with you!!! i hope dead soldier for french troops too and for naps serie
  19. C

    March releases?

    and mad-ffl opponents??? SFA opponents???