Questions & Answers (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

In answer to a few points...

1. Dorsenne’s Drooping Plume..?
Definitely should be vertical...a dash of Viagra should do it!

2. Crusaders plus...”Life of Jesus”
Another good mix of you’re looking for some Middle Eastern civilians to populate your dios.

3. New Kettenkrad’s Missing Light..?
Many photos show the little “K” with the second light others without...This time around we did it “sans” second light. Have a look at Google and type in “Kettenkrad” and you will see both.

4. More Thirty Years War figures..?
Yes, definitely and a few leading personalities as well!

5. More ragged “Pike & Musket” figures..?
Yes, but first things first...Let’s get our armies set up.

6. “Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts..!”
See attached drawing...

All the best and have a great weekend!

fantastic prototype on the Trojan Horse...^&grin

when might this be available...

I want one...
I will avoid buying this horse. My initial impression of this offering is that it does not appear to be very stable and the wheels are far too tiny to be historically accurate. The wheels also lack the defining tread pattern of the real thing!!!! Besides the obvious scaling issues as previously pointed out, I am not fond of the paint color. There is no way a horde of Mongols could be hiding in such a tinnie, tiny horsey. We want BIGGER!!!

Other than that, I love it!!!
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Any chance of some new road signs being introduced? St. Mere Eglise, Carenten, Bastonge, Dunkirk, and even Ypres which would finish off my WW1 dio off nicely.
How about some of the great generals of the ancient world like Hannibal, Julius Ceaser, Scipio and others?
Being Andy is a talented artist, it probably took him little time to do the drawing. I was amazed when I first heard years ago that "He" draws all of the figure sculpts "Himself" !

Thanks Andy for the answers!Only in this hobby of ours you can have this..and i love it!:)
Being Andy is a talented artist, it probably took him little time to do the drawing. I was amazed when I first heard years ago that "He" draws all of the figure sculpts "Himself" !


I'd love to have some of his drawings..:) they are on par with his figures!:)
a question for Andy: what about the SOE serie?? is it finished? no dragoons, not a young Churchill, no opponent??
Andy - we so need an AK 88mm and what about AK engineers....dont foget the desert warriors
Adding to peterupton´s request for desert items....will we have more desert/middle eastrern buildings and fortified walls...{sm2}{sm2}{sm2}

Andy - we so need an AK 88mm and what about AK engineers....dont foget the desert warriors
Mono- colour figures.

I would love to collect some AK figures but in German Grey. Any chance ?
It's possible to make some figures of the Braveheart movie? Perhaps KC has already thought to create it...
Certainly it will be a commercial success in Scotland because of the historical reasons...


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