Search results

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    Kurt Welter ME262 Fighter Ace Competition

    i propose FENRIR, a wolf son of loki in scandinavian mythology. or winston if he had sense of humour...
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    interesting video from WW1
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    What unusual figures would you like to see....

    Des soldats du régiment des Antilles britanniques nettoient leurs fusils dans une ferme sur la route entre Albert et Amiens (Somme), en septembre 1916. Photo prise par le lieutenant Ernest Brooks.
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    Forthcoming human torpedoes

    I want one!!
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    the french collector

    brigade Piron? carabinier avec leur drole de chapeau? la belgique a t elle engagé des troupes coloniales pdt la WWI? disposes tu d'illustrations?? sinon no comment sur le climat de Bruges....vous savez faire les chocolats et la biére mais je prefere mon ciel bleu (enfin pas trop aujourd'hui)...
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    the french collector

    Aahh un fil en français pour les collectionneurs!!! Pour feter ça demandons à TGM une boite de soldats belges et une boite de soldat français pour le mois prochain!! Sinon petit bonjour de Nimes où l'orage menace
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    thomas gunn figure club 004 on ebay
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    Predictions for new releases

    french troops for crimean war!!! 4th hussar for SOA serie opponents for SOE,usmc and nasy series...... and why not foreign legion
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    4 star general

    hope for 100 year of ww1 belgian troops with their typical hat. Guy can you find us a picture???
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    TGM News Update

    hope that near FREJUS you will see that. french marines museum
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    Civil War Display
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    'New FFL sculpt'

    Yes great!! but please not only 100 product!!!
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    britains zulu war 20017
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    britains zulu war 20017
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    britains 41 166 sherman
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    What V weapons would you like TG to make ?

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    Forthcoming Dispatches....

    i totally agree with that. Less release and cheaper!!{sm4}
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    Forthcoming Dispatches....

    4th regiment of hussard for SOE serie with a young Winston Churchill would be a very good idea!!!
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    Forthcoming Dispatches....

    This weeke end was 150 anniversary of Battle of i want foreign legion!!!