What V weapons would you like TG to make ? (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant Colonel
Nov 5, 2006
With TG. Starting a V weapon range just wonder what you like to see made ?
Why not the
EMW A4b the piloted version of the V2 ( Two were built)
or the EMW A9 piloted version of the A4 but with Gothic wings

Everything!!! V1 rockets V2 also launch pads support vehicles and crew (we already have the designers being done) the whole nine yards. This range has massive possibilities and great potential. The first releases look superb so, it really looking forward to this and the dispatch in a few days to see if there is anything else following these
With TG. Starting a V weapon range just wonder what you like to see made ?

IF TG would turn his attention to the wonder weapons, there the list is endless
Focke Wulf Ta 183,
Bachem Ba 349
Heinkel He 162
Horton Ho-IX
The Enzian
Flakmine V-7 Feuerball
etc , etc .......
there is no end to this list ;
Interesting list and would have one of each!!

IF TG would turn his attention to the wonder weapons, there the list is endless
Focke Wulf Ta 183,
Bachem Ba 349
Heinkel He 162
Horton Ho-IX
The Enzian
Flakmine V-7 Feuerball
etc , etc .......
there is no end to this list ;
IF TG would turn his attention to the wonder weapons, there the list is endless
Focke Wulf Ta 183,
Bachem Ba 349
Heinkel He 162
Horton Ho-IX
The Enzian
Flakmine V-7 Feuerball
etc , etc .......
there is no end to this list ;

and how about this one : the NK101 Rolling Mine exploder. Looks like something out of Starwars{sm4}
How about The FRITZ X tested and used
Or the Heinkel 162 "Volksjäger" : it received this name because most of the pilots who flew the airplane were recruited amongst the Hitler Youth. 1st combat mid April 1945. I/JG1 scored a number of kills with this plane but also lost 13 of their own .
heinkel 162 1.jpgHeinkel 162 2.jpg
the WASSERFALL, 1st ground to air missile. First tested in 1943. 35 tests in total .Herr Hitler considered this weapon as a "defence" weapon and it was abandoned because he preferred attack weapons
wasserfall 1.jpg

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