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  1. Fusilier

    First Legion goes Hollywood

    Wow, that was a good eye to spot those figures! I'm impressed. Noah
  2. Fusilier

    I Have joined the First Legion

    Glad to have another member of the First Legion fan club!:) I noticed you couldn't wait to get home to open the figure, since you took the picture in your car! I know the feeling, as do many of the other collectors here.... Noah
  3. Fusilier

    American Revolution (Charge of the 16th & 17th Light Dragoons)

    That is a great diorama! You integrate all the different mediums together into one spectacular scene. Again, awesome work! Noah
  4. Fusilier

    Niena Studio

    Thank you sir, for posting this. Those were exactly the kits I was thinking of. Noah
  5. Fusilier

    Hello. The newest in the forum

    Certainly. With those two eras, First Legion has you well covered! The Glory of Rome line is really taking off. Noah
  6. Fusilier

    Hello. The newest in the forum

    Welcome to the forum! There are a lot of good guys here to discuss things with and many excellent artists whose work you can admire. What is your favorite era from First Legion? Do you have more than one? Noah
  7. Fusilier

    Baseball 2013

    Certainly bad news today for all of baseball. Both of these men were true giants in the sport and both will be greatly missed. Noah
  8. Fusilier

    Niena Studio

    While all of these dios are amazing, I really am drawn to the Roman vs. Barbarian one. I recognize some of the pieces as Pegaso kits from their modular "Tuetoberg" series a few years back. Who makes the other pieces? Noah
  9. Fusilier


    Thanks Joe. I seem to remember reading somewhere that undyed tunics were common in the lower class, due to the cost issue you mentioned. It would make sense then, for Rome to outfit her vast legions in the most cost-effective clothes. Noah
  10. Fusilier

    Penninsular War 20mm.............

    That is one amazing diorama! It doesn't matter what the scale is, when you have that many figures together, it is always impressive. Noah
  11. Fusilier


    A question for Joe and the other Roman experts. Is there a significance to the tunic color between the Imperial and Republican periods, or are they just different because First Legion can make them different and still be accurate? I guess what I am asking is, not all army tunics were red...
  12. Fusilier


    Oops, there is one more in there for a total of 11 in the top pic. One legionaire is really hiding in the back. Thanks Matt! Noah
  13. Fusilier


    That is a nice find Joe. I had no idea some late Republican legionaires were coming. I count 10 different poses in the uppermost group shot. You see the same or am I off? And I would bet money you are right about Caesar and Antony. They are just as necessary for the Rome range as Napoleon...
  14. Fusilier

    New French. guard horse arty

    That would be cool for all the Nap fans, but I don't know if Matt will want to try that. The cost of making molds for only a couple new poses might outweigh the sales potential of Nap collectors who need a second gun crew. I also think of the outcry from the collectors of other ranges/periods...
  15. Fusilier

    The Glory of Rome

    Joe, I went with The Complete Roman Army title. Seemed like a good place to start after your suggestions. Noah
  16. Fusilier

    Stalingrad Trilogy by David Glantz

    One thing about Glantz is that no matter which of his books you pick up, there are not many other American writers who have the same knowledge base as him. His research into the Red Army and the Soviet Union is very impressive based on the two books I have read. Noah
  17. Fusilier

    The Glory of Rome

    Joe, I can tell you happy with the new Praetorians. Your first efforts with the picture effects isn't bad in my opinion and I really like the concept you have going in this pic. Also, I appreciate the book suggestions a couple weeks back. I have one of Goldworthy's books on order. Noah
  18. Fusilier

    New release: More agincourt knights!

    While I do not yet have any CS items, I am really impressed by these offerings. The hereldry, pose, and coloring are all top notch! Noah
  19. Fusilier

    Battle of Camden - 16th August 1780 - The retreat

    Xavier, you have done a great job as always! It is good to see some AWI to show off First Legion's excellent range. Noah
  20. Fusilier

    potential new Napoleonic collector

    Proportionally, you should be happy with the First Legion figures. There has never been any issue with that and specific ranges have been consistent. As far as color, the figures are generally more muted than King and Country or others like John Jenkins. Britains figures probably come the...