Search results

  1. mario

    WWI or WWII ?

    Two beautiful cars, difficult choice, but my favorite is dark blue world^&cool. Mario
  2. cars


  3. mario

    Battle of the Bulge - Germans

    I would like the winter version motorcycle with sidecar ,,three men,,.please.......... Mario
  4. mario

    Dispatches are up!

    ME 109 is absolutely great for me.Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mario p.s.more RAF:smile2:
  5. mario

    Comprehensive sneak peek

    Welcome to the forum Hetzer.Yes,new BBG is great!!!I look forward. Mario:smile2:
  6. mario

    A Little Something For The Weekend, Sir!

    FANTASTIC!!!!!Great piece, really lovely^&cool mario
  7. mario

    King & Country book

    I'm looking forward , great photos!!!!! (JU 52 is a wonderful model).Thank you very much for your work in our Hobby. Mario:smile2:
  8. mario

    New "Bulge" armored Jeep

    Very interesting photo Gary,thanks. mario
  9. mario

    Dispatches are up!

    German Army will certainly next month:smile2: I look forward!!!(maybe ,,TIGER crew fighting,,) mario:smile2:
  10. mario

    Dispatches are up!

    For me, three excellent pieces :BBA045 "G.I. Chef, BBA050 "U.S. Armoured Jeep and especially RAF037 "Morris CS8 15cwt Truck (RAF). mario:smile2:
  11. mario

    Dispatches are up!

    NICE,VERY NICE,a beautiful piece in my diorama!!!!!!I very much look forward...... mario
  12. mario

    My K&C Warbird collection

    great collection!!!!!!!!I love fighter planes.Congratulations RedBaron. MARIO:smile2:
  13. mario

    An arfield far...

    Very nice, beautiful photo noli-poli!!!!! mario
  14. mario


    Maybe will winter panther (BBG)???^&cool mario
  15. mario


    Very,very nice MIKE!!! I have to buy panther!!!beautiful piece. Mario:smile2:
  16. mario


    I know^&grin, somewhat large dio{sm4}.So just to illustrate. mario
  17. mario

    Forthcoming Dispatches

    I look forward to the Morris 15cwt truck in the RAF blue!!!!Maybe crew 3-4 pilots or Women's Auxiliary Air Force personnel. mario:wink2:
  18. mario

    Preparing for Kursk

    Really nice dio Carlos, river looks great, very good work!!!!!! Mario:smile2:
  19. mario


    Nice dio Mike i like it.Here is the original foto 1942. Mario
  20. mario


    I have this model, wonderful piece!:smile2: mario