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  1. mario

    For USAAF Flyboy fans!

    Nice Neil, It is a great camouflage {eek3}!!!!!!! I would like from King & Country!!!!!! Mario
  2. mario

    Finally Got One

    Very, very nice piece Bombon. mario:smile2:
  3. mario

    Comment by 'Njja' in media 'P1010183'

    Very nice dio and great series!!!!! Thank you for the photo. Mario
  4. mario

    why do you buy K & C

    I completely agree mario:smile2:
  5. mario

    Winter Tiger

    Beautiful model, great dio Simon !!!!! Great box for this piece,one of the best. mario
  6. winter


  7. mario

    K&C v WB on ebay

    Does anyone have for sale WS024Wbox??I give 266 usd maybe 267 mario
  8. mario

    Six months into 2011

    Thank you Rob. It would be wonderful in addition, two figures,,Emil+servant with coffee or tea,, :smile2: mario
  9. mario

    Six months into 2011

    When will ME109 , does anyone know??? This year? Wayne, Kittyhawk looks good!!! Hopefully:smile2: mario
  10. mario

    How well are these going to look together?

    Re: How well are these good are these going to look together Totally agree Rob, it's great and I hope there will be other (RAF fire truck{sm5}:smile2:) mario
  11. mario

    Six months into 2011

    I love the beautiful tension,before the beginning of the month:smile2: mario
  12. mario

    Six months into 2011

    Three or four surprise, it would be .......Financial collapse{sm3}^&grin. But beautiful collapse:wink2: mario^&grin
  13. mario


    I think it was a good choice.Camouflage aircraft and especially picture cowboy girls is beautiful!!!!!!! IMO Cowboy girls is best drawing on the plane and best camouflage aircraft is ME-110 Desert Version(Lawrence and Louis). mario:smile2:
  14. mario

    Last stand.

    Very nice pics,Simmo!!!!I look forward to a package with WS192 and 191. mario:smile2:
  15. mario


    Difficult decisions when buying{sm2}^&grin. Avro Lancaster (Mickey Moocher Version) or Avro Lancaster (Pistol Packin' Mama). Fortunately, I have no money.But even so Gentlemen, who is better???? Maybe, Pistol Packin' Mama..... mario
  16. mario


    Dear Brad ,,15,, Unfortunately, I do not Me 109 .....7 and .....Especially 13!!!!! mario:smile2:
  17. mario

    Favorite King and Country Dealers

    K&C Hong Kong. :smile2:
  18. mario

    Brisbane - A quick Fifteen minutes with Andy

    And what other Fallschirmjager for the Bulge? mario
  19. mario

    When is the next bus for Blyth ?

    Really great work Guy!!!Nice!!! mario:smile2:
  20. mario


    Karlos,{eek3}{sm5}{eek3},really beautiful pieces.All are beautiful, but Avro it is my number one!!!! that's because, I do not have Avro.{sm4}.Thank you for your photos!!!!! mario:smile2: p.s. Louis, we go together to the bank?^&grinI have two dangerous thing ,water pistol and my mother in...