Search results

  1. N

    Tower Of London Exclusive - can anyone shed if this was issued a Catalogue Number?

    A further thought Britains did issue an Executioner figure fairly recently,just find it odd that they would have issed the one in question and not simply kept it in production ?????? rather than make a whole new casting.
  2. N

    K&C and Frontline - together they stand!

    I think in principle the book suggested in this thread is a great idea,however having authored 8 toy soldier books,the logistics are massive,finding the items to photo for any book is a long hard process,having people co -opertate and gathering different images and resolutions, together with the...
  3. N

    OTSN first timer

    This is my 22nd year at OTSN show,email me if you have specific questions I am happy to help
  4. N

    Britains Glossy including Durbar

    I have quite an extensive range of Britains Glossy including Durbar and a number of Limited edition Tanks,also retired Santa Ana Alamo figures and various other interesting items, all are duplicates from my collection ,all are mint and boxed,I have no lists but am willing to receive lists from...
  5. N

    Tower Of London Exclusive - can anyone shed if this was issued a Catalogue Number?

    Hi Dave as a previous post said " you learn something everyday" Look forward to seeing the markings,I will try and ask a few of my UK contacts and see if anyone can throw light on the item I do not usually get time to log on to Treefrog very often but will certainly try again soon to see what...
  6. N

    Tower Of London Exclusive - can anyone shed if this was issued a Catalogue Number?

    This is Norman Joplin As you may know I am the author of a reference book entitled Britains New Toy Soldiers and Figures 1973-Present,the book concentrates on gloss painted items only. The figure shown intrigues me and in your description you say "100% Britains" Is the item marked Britains ? and...
  7. N

    Horse Guards at the Bar Question

    Anyone willing to part with their set ? Norman
  8. N

    Old Toy Soldier Auctions Nov 20 & 21

    Day one many lots of boxed K&C Glossy Day two over 200 K&C Matte including limited editions. Medical Jeep,Recon Jeep and DD10 boxed ambulance contact me for further details Norman
  9. N

    K&C Identification help pleae

    Hi Louis again thanks for the help,it seems the RA are the former that you mention and in Blue Uniforms with pith helmets have Maxin Gun and another Artillery gun + the men you mention,I will try and get photos of everything over the next wewk or two and have my publishers send them to you via...
  10. N

    K&C Identification help pleae

    Thanks Louis I also have two Horses that perhaps go wth the RA1 and RA two Sets I have the two guns that Lawrence told me about and the Crew and the boxes plus certificates,but no gun limber is this correct.? looking forward to seeing you in Chicago ,lets email on other matters soon including...
  11. N

    K&C Identification help pleae

    I have two mules carrying Red Cross Medical boxes and some Highlanders with Stretchers and wounded, two mules to a box are these all part of one set ? Norman
  12. N

    K&C Identification help pleae

    Thanks Lawrence you are a mind of info I have the Flag bearers and a number of other Highlanders but the flag Bearers are carrying open flags not furled Regards Norman
  13. N

    K&C Identification help

    Please see my post on K&C Glossy Norman Joplin
  14. N

    K&C Identification help pleae

    I have empty blue boxes for Glossy K&C figures as follows Vignette K23 RA1 71 PB1 K RA2 53 CP1K 203 Can anyone please help with identification of contents? Thnaks Norman Joplin
  15. N

    e-Bay, the Blind leading the Blind

    Re the ebay offeringI know this vendor and have always found her to be totally trustworthy,she and her partner were long time toy soldier show attendees,some of the items that become available are from her partners collection,he is incapacitated and she may offer items from time to time as funds...
  16. N

    Britains Christmas in Natal For Sale

    Hi This is Norman Joplin confriming that I would like to purchase your Christmas inNatal call me 262 692 3913 or email
  17. N

    Britains Christmas in Natal For Sale

    Hi This is Norman Joplin I would like to purchase the Christmas in natal set best thing to do is call me 262 692 3913 or email me Will send payment when I have your address
  18. N

    500 King and Country to become available

    Please note this posting has been moved to Online auctions page
  19. N

    500 Old K&C sets available details below

    Thanks to all of you who have emailed me requesting information regarding the 500 King and Country items to be auctioned over a period of time in the coming years,I will have already responded directly to all of you who emailed and am happy to continue to provide updates as the items arrive for...
  20. N

    500 Old K&C sets available details below

    In response to Pfeil The items will be coming up for auction at in November 2010,next year and in 2012,there was never any mention of them all coming up for sale together,they well be entered into auction sections at a time If anyone requires more info then please...