Search results

  1. tommy416

    SP026 Mortar Pit by King & Country (RETIRED)

    I have one up for sale. In Box, only open to see inside. Box has some shelf ware . Smoke free environment PM with offer Tommy
  2. tommy416

    NAP0218 Russian Tauride Grenadier Standard Bearer - White Flag

    I have one up for sale. No box. it has been kept in a curio. No smoke environment . PM me Tommy
  3. tommy416

    Charge at Borodino battle

    Wow, just. Wow, that's some collection
  4. tommy416

    News letter

    Just got mine in today and on the bottom was this ....
  5. tommy416

    Fortified desert house

    Going to need some dead FFL for the battlements, and some marching with out packs
  6. tommy416

    1/30 scale Fort

    I post this on 8/17 I was thinking, as for the FFL fort. You can do it as a module, walls, gate, tower , interlock , this way it keeps cost low , and build it to the size you like. Hope fully you can make a tower to climb and dead FFL to go between the battlements Tommy
  7. tommy416

    My retreat from Moscow

  8. tommy416

    My retreat from Moscow

    My retreat ...
  9. tommy416

    Figarti E Boat Wanted

    I have one, pm me
  10. tommy416

    idea for FFL fort

    I was thinking, as for the FFL fort. You can do it as a module, walls, gate, tower , interlock , this way it keeps cost low , and build it to the size you like. Hope fully you can make a tower to climb and dead FFL to go between the battlements Tomny
  11. tommy416

    Gunn Miniatures News

    I was thinking, as for the FFL fort. You can do it as a module, this way it keeps cost low , and build it to the size you like. Hope fully you can make a tower to climb and dead FFL to go between the battlements.
  12. tommy416

    Fort for Tommy Gunn French Foreign Legion...

    i would love one... whats her email ...
  13. tommy416

    build a rama : Destroyed Cannon No. 1 Brown w/ Bronze Barrel - BAR121

    i am looking for the build a rama's Destroyed Cannon No. 1 Brown w/ Bronze Barrel - BAR121 , if any one has one laying around please pm me thanks Tommy
  14. tommy416

    First Legion: NAP0030 Napoleon and the French Staff, 7 figures, limited edition

    It's here if you want to pay retail,
  15. tommy416

    King and Country Carapult Set MK 25

    I may have one, no box, kept in a no smoke environment. Pm me if your still interested . Tommy
  16. tommy416

    VEH011/012 PZ IV Ausf F1/F2 and TC006-008 German Tank Crews!

    I love the two tanks. i love the fact that i can now buy the tank crew separately , i am sure it helps keeping the tank prices down. Why not also sell the tank stowage that you offer on the first tank separately too ?
  17. tommy416

    Toy soldiers in movies

    Any one know ???
  18. tommy416

    After CS000513 88mm Anti-Tank Gun Normandy

    try here ... good luck tommy
  19. tommy416

    First Legion Old Guard NAP0025 and NAP0027

    Found nap0025,, And 0027 , good luck Tommy