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  1. M

    Conversions of Weston’s Mexican Bandits into Villa’s Bodyguard, the Dorados

    Bdyh - thank you. The majority of the figures are good old Armies in Plastic. The Federales are from two Colonial sets, Japanese and Spanish. Variations were created by head swapping between the two sets. The Rurales are very old, going back about 40 years and are mainly converted Britains...
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    Armies in Plastic conversions

    There is a casting material called Aluminite which is a two-part liquid mix which I keep meaning to try out in silicone and metal moulds. Has anyone used it? Another way is to use two part epoxy putty (Greenstuff etc) pushed into the mould. Greenstuff in particular is still quite 'forgiving'...
  3. M

    Beecher Island 54mm Wargame Photos

    Thanks for the kind words Artillery Crazy and Green Knight. There are some of a Sudan game on my Photobucket page, and I probably have more on the system I have'n't uploaded but could...and should! Leave it with me and I will see what I can find.
  4. M

    Beecher Island 54mm Wargame Photos

    Thanks Walt - 'we wuz robbed!' ;) It did look pretty good, a delight to see so many mounted Plains Indians.
  5. M

    Pyrate Adventurers 54mm Plastic Conversions

    WIP photos of the first three figures using Lord of the Rings plastic figures as the basis for pirate adventurers inspired by Assassin's Creed and POTC...
  6. M

    Beecher Island 54mm Wargame Photos

    Some (actually lots!) of photos of this game, which gained Bronze at Warfare 2016. Superb terrain was all the work of one man, ‘Lucky’ Pete Reynolds. Most of the Skirmish Wargames gang members contributed figures, all are plastic and many highly converted...
  7. M

    Armies in plastic conversion no.4 - Chinese Boxer Artillery Peking 1900

    From my notes: Imperial Artillery “…well trained and efficient, with excellent weapons used with effect in nearly every engagement.” -Dix Despite the lack of a true Artillery branch-of-service, certainly early in the period, according to various contemporary reports officers often chose good...
  8. M

    Armies in plastic conversion no.4 - Chinese Boxer Artillery Peking 1900

    Dave Odd no one has picked up on this one. Excellent ideas - I need to do some for my BU Chinese forces. My only caveat would be that any artillery crews with the Boxers would most likely be ex-Imperials (or even current Imperials whilst the Imperial Court supported them!) and would therefore...
  9. M

    Mexican Revolution 54mm Game at Partizan

    Thanks Oldallamerican The next game should be even more impressive as it will be about twice the size in terms of troops and buildings... I forgot to mention the saguero cacti - they are beautiful resin modes, each has a little bird or critter on - and some say 'Arizona'! They are tourist...
  10. M

    Mexican Revolution 54mm Game at Partizan

    Photos of the game here All "54mm" figures from a number of makers, all converted to/painted for Mexican Revolution. Mostly (95%) plastic with the odd metal single piece here...
  11. M

    Conversions of Weston’s Mexican Bandits into Villa’s Bodyguard, the Dorados

    Thanks Scott. There are some photos of them finished in the photos of the game at They didn't do very well (my new units never do in their first game) but I liked the figures...
  12. M

    Conversions of Weston’s Mexican Bandits into Villa’s Bodyguard, the Dorados

    Some WIP photos of some conversions of Weston’s Mexican Bandits into Villa’s Bodyguard, the Dorados (Jowett & De Quesada) or another general who’s guard had green uniforms but I can’t find the reference...
  13. M

    28mm into 54mm Vizier's Noball Guard WIP Photos

    Photos of WIP on some conversions of 28mm GW figures into 54mm eunuch bodyguard I'm working on... Tried to load a taster but the files are too big.
  14. M

    Photos of My 54mm Turcmen Conversions

    Thanks Briezh44 - of course you may, as long as you credit them to me at Photobucket. You have a nice site going there, with lots of good ideas - like elastic/rubber hair bands for tyres! Whose little girl was reduced to tears? :wink2:
  15. M

    Photos of My 54mm Turcmen Conversions

    Thanks for the kind words. I thought I'd do mounted and foot versions as we do a lot of Skirmish games and you need both. Why do the mounted versions appeal most I wonder?
  16. M

    Photos of My 54mm Turcmen Conversions

    I realised I posted this in the 'How To' and it isn't one, it is just a 'Sharing What I've Done'! Here is a Photobucket link to WIP and Finished photos. There are a lot of because some of them will be used to illustrate an article in Toy Soldier Collector magazine at some point. The original...
  17. M

    54mm Turcmen Conversions

    Here is a Photobucket link to WIP and Finished photos. There are a lot of because some of them will be used to illustrate an article in Toy Soldier Collector magazine at some point. The original figures were Armies In Plastic Cossacks and TSSD WWUU Germans and GIs in greatcoats...
  18. M

    a HORSA in 1/35th Scale!

    I'm with PG on this one, though it varies - some 1/35th vehicles are OK with 1/32nd figures but I don't think 1/35th figures work with 1/32nd figures or vehicles... 1/30th and 1/32nd are fine together - we do it all the time and no one comments on it because in the heat of a game no on notices...
  19. M

    Armies in plastic new stuff upcoming?

    But don't the have trousers down over their boots? - would Deetail 7th Cav be better - they are IMHO better figures. I did a couple of early WWI French Cuirassiers from them, to go with a WB metal one I'd been given, for a game. But then they have rolled sleeves - so they have to be removed...
  20. M

    Armies in plastic new stuff upcoming?

    Dave Point taken but I don't think those who ask for sets like this appreciate the economics of the business side of the hobby. Makers are looking to sell a maximum number of each set from the same moulds, hence the AIP approach of multiple colours of the same sets. A set which covers virtually...