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  1. Firebat

    Red Storm Rising

    With counter battery fire on the way........ it is time to button up and move out.
  2. Firebat

    Red Storm Rising

    Thanks Wayne Now we know where those massive explosions were coming from. A typical Russian heavy bombardment to soften the Germans up. The Crew Leader on the left is getting fire direction from a spotter, who you will see in a later pic. Tanks are getting ready to exploit the softened...
  3. Firebat

    Red Storm Rising

    The backdrop was downloaded from the internet, I don't remember where I found it. I photo layer my backdrops, which is done with the computer layering one photo over another. The building is a modified birdhouse The Figarti T34 is excellent as are the figures, but they are too big of course...
  4. Firebat

    AK Payback

    Real nice !
  5. Firebat

    Red Storm Rising

    Heavy action in the East
  6. Firebat

    The American Civil War Diaries

    ALL GOOD !:salute::
  7. Firebat

    Figarti Winteri Tiger Tank

    FL figures with Figarti tanks...Unbeatable combo.
  8. Firebat

    Paint chipping on Figarti products ?

    I have about 35 AFV's and about 75 figures, I have had problems with 3 AFV's and about 3 to 5 soldiers. The paint problem, when it occurs, does seem to be in on the metal only.
  9. Firebat

    Memories of home

    Glad you enjoyed it.
  10. Firebat

    Jungle scene

    Simple and elegant ...... Different theme
  11. Firebat

    Death of a Division

    Glad you enjoyed...Stop by more often {sm4}
  12. Firebat

    Anyone recieved FJs yet??

    All on order......With a diorama waiting to put them in. Alex
  13. Firebat

    M26 Pershing arrived

    :salute:: {sm4}
  14. Firebat

    M26 Pershing arrived

    I am getting so fed up with this 1/28th figure thing that I am looking into doing my own figure line, which will be correct 1/30th scale. I have made some significant headway as of late. My figures will hopefully fit with all mainstream 1/30th vehicles and will be properly proportioned. They...
  15. Firebat

    M26 Pershing arrived

    I guess we have to just stop buying until it gets straightened out I'm in. Actually it is not that bad You would just not buy K&C Figures TGM Figures Figarti Figures TCS Figures and AFV's ( Which is a shame because Brian actually helped us out, but he could go back to 1/32 in a heartbeat.
  16. Firebat

    “Books & Shows”

    Lets leave it at that :wink2:
  17. Firebat

    “Books & Shows”

    My friend I grew up in Newark and fought fires in one of NJ's other tough cities, this is child's play, I personally have been involved in many confrontations here and elseware......I have to say it does bother me. Many members here are very gentle The verbal confrontation does not...
  18. Firebat

    M26 Pershing arrived

    Well stated
  19. Firebat

    M26 Pershing arrived

    Thanks my man ! Now I can put it in a properly scaled diorama. Thanks to TCS and their stopgap 1/28th stuff...Until this hobby can straighten itself out with all 1/30th scale stuff. ( Well I can dream......Can't I {sm4} )
  20. Firebat

    BOSS - so cool

    Love BOSS...Joe was very responsible for getting me started in the hobby with his pics from back in the day.