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  1. The Military Workshop


    That is very sad news. Al was a good contributor to the forum for many years and appreciated his knowledge and comments.
  2. The Military Workshop

    RIP, Oddball. Donald Sutherland has passed at 88

    Oddball was one of my all time favourite characters and I have his picture and "negative waves" quote by shop counter. Have educated many about his brilliant tank commanding skills and innovations in tank warfare. Used to play with my plastic soldiers as a kid whilst listening to Kelly's Heroes...
  3. The Military Workshop


    Or you could go the other way and pop over to the John Jenkins thread and ask him where his WW2 Arnhem, Afrika Korps and 8th Army, Russians, US Rangers, Waffen SS, Ceremonials and Streets of Hong Kong Series etc etc are. (Note to John : Not having a go at you !).
  4. The Military Workshop


    Great looking RHKP figure. Might have to see if I can tempt some of the retired ones down here.
  5. The Military Workshop

    Movie/TV News

    Horizon by Kevin Costner looks good. Seems director of Road House upset will not be shown at cinema. You would think would get good box office from UFC fans due to Connor McGregor.
  6. The Military Workshop

    National Rugby League Season Opener Las Vegas

    The Australian Rugby League is having its season opening games in Las Vegas. Not to be confused with Rugby Union. Friday evening US time. I believe it is on Fox. Teams are Manly Sea Eagles v Sydney Rabbitohs - or Hugh Jackman team v Russell Crowe team Brisbane Broncos v Sydney Roosters Has...
  7. The Military Workshop


    Leave no man behind or run !
  8. The Military Workshop

    Churchill's letter to Stalin asking him to speed up the Soviet offensive 1945.

    This guy is nothing but a Russian propaganda troll and is posting just like he did a few years ago. His posts are predictable in that they praise his Motherland and always make the West look bad. This despite the fact he left his home for NZ. You will notice zero interest in Toy Soldiers.
  9. The Military Workshop

    A memory for Navalny

    What happened to Navalny is obviously not good. But then again the US justice system and three letter agencies are hardly setting an example to the world anymore. Unless of course you prefer the methods of dictators. DOJ, FBI and CIA are compromised. Good luck getting a fair hearing in certain...
  10. The Military Workshop

    Tucker Carlson speaks candidly after interview with Putin

    I seem to recall a Tank from a few years ago flooding the forum with pro Russian propaganda.
  11. The Military Workshop

    Upcoming releases

    How about the chariot archer scene in Gladiator. Or a Gladiator kneeling down to pick up some soil? Just my thoughts and not something heard.
  12. The Military Workshop

    Australia Day

    Desertkiwi, Well at least the British in NZ got to have a treaty. No such thing here as the locals were very nomadic and moved around in relatively small groups. However problem is now that Federal and State governments seem very keen to enter into treaties. In Qld alone they are talking about...
  13. The Military Workshop

    Australia Day

    Grey mentioned a lady who came into shop. 32 years old came into to show her 5 year old son some soldiers. When I mentioned WW2 she said "NZ and Australia were not in WW2". I told her I was shocked to hear her say that. However she is similar age to my kids and I can well understand how you...
  14. The Military Workshop

    Napoleon. Ridley Scott

    Below is the last sentence from the review at Hollywood v History. "articles that address where the film deviates from the facts and veers into fiction are important, as is understanding that the film is first and foremost a piece of entertainment, not a documentary",
  15. The Military Workshop

    Napoleon. Ridley Scott

    Saw Napoleon. It is very difficult to tell Napoleon’s story in one movie. Simply not enough time. The relationship with Josephine was more than I would have liked. I would, surprise surprise, prefer more of the inter nation politics and campaigns and battles. Even if done with narrative and some...
  16. The Military Workshop

    Guess Who Is Back ?

    Well that is a blast from the past! Can never have enough Napoleonic figures.
  17. The Military Workshop

    Ridley Scott's Best Scenes.....

    Hard to believe Ripley is 85. An amazing selection of movies. For me top two are Gladiator and Blackhawk Down. Unfortunately I have to wait 10 days to watch Napoleon due to going with family,
  18. The Military Workshop

    Movie/TV News

    Good news that might do Sicario 3. One of the previous ones had that great scene where the black SUV's heading to the border back into USA. Great music followed by the shoot out with the trigger happy but suicidal Mexicans gunmen. How is it possible Ridley Scott does not have an Oscar yet ...
  19. The Military Workshop

    ‘Les Jours De Napoleon’ #1

    Thanks for that Andy. Great pic of the Old Guard. Let's hope the movie sparks an interest in all things Napoleonic. Particularly toy soldiers. Napoleonics were the first toy soldiers I ever bought. Was 12 and saw them in a shop in Ostend. Don't recall the brand and not metal. Full colour...
  20. The Military Workshop

    New Releases for December 2023 - American Civil War

    British actor in main role. First two episodes good.