Rob - I made most of the obstacles that were displayed on the mats at the lunch. The Hedgehog terrain we already produce as a standard product. The Asparagus (Mine posts) and the large logs are to be released real soon.
Mark Vuncannon
Hi Guys,
I thought I would throw on some pictures of the XXL beach mats we did for the Figarti Lunch. These were taken at our shop prior to shipping to the chicago show. Each mat was 30" x 72", made to fit 6ft tables.
We would have loved to make it to the show and see all of our old friends...
The way these mats are colored is part of it own unique process. You can call me at 480-577-9043 and I can try to walk you through matching the color.
Mark Vuncannon
I have been planning a few accessories for the next release. I can tell you this much, there will be a focus on the Napoleonic - ACW eras. I will post pictures once everything is confirmed. Stay tuned.
Thanks for your comments.
Mark Vuncannon
Hi Guys,
This is a 78" x 40" custom beach diorama I just finished for a customer.
It is the same mat in all the pics, just different add-on pieces.
let me know what you think.
Mark Vuncannon
These new products are available now and are on there way to your favorite dealer this week. Our site will be updated by next week.
- As alway we will be offering these to our international customers as well.
Mark Vuncannon
Here is the product listing
Beach Mat #1 (24" x12") w/ Water
Beach Mat #2 (24" x12") w/ Water
Grass Mat w/ River "1A" (24" x12")
Grass Mat w/ River "1B" (24" x12")
Grass Mat - High Green w/ Swamp (24" x12")
Grass Mat - Med Green w/ Stream (24" x12")
Snow Mat - w/ Road (24" x12")
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