Search results

  1. Martin Tabony

    Do you like the "running/charging" pose?

    " Synchronized Running " = At the Double. :) Martin
  2. Martin Tabony

    Trophy - zulu war sets

    "Light blue touch paper and stand well back" ^&grin Martin
  3. Martin Tabony

    Sudan Campaigns 1880 - 1898

    I believe the "V" flash is the Roman numeral 5. The 5th of foot was the old title for the Northumberland Fusiliers. Martin
  4. Martin Tabony

    Kes - 1969

    Brian Glover is great as the P.E. teacher :)
  5. Martin Tabony

    Military Imposters

    Facebook. "Walter Mitty hunters club".
  6. Martin Tabony

    Battle of Culloden 1964

    Excellent, thanks I've not seen that before. Martin
  7. Martin Tabony

    Maison Militaire in Scarborough?

    Yes just Heritage and Trophy now. Martin
  8. Martin Tabony

    Train Spotting Live

    Worth watching for the fit redhead ! :) Martin
  9. Martin Tabony

    Train Spotting Live

    Only the good old Beeb. :) Martin
  10. Martin Tabony

    Jerry Crashed His Bicycle

    1/6TH scale. The same size as Action Man/G.I. Joe. Martin
  11. Martin Tabony

    Reveille by R4A new Jocks

    I can show you the miliput master figure, if I need to! :) Martin
  12. Martin Tabony

    Introducing Loggerhead Military Studio!

    You didn't have to tell us it wasn't a bloke's work space! :) Martin
  13. Martin Tabony

    Introducing Loggerhead Military Studio!

    Chota Sahib? Martin
  14. Martin Tabony

    Insignia/Badge copyright

    Judging by the amount of plastic kits that now say "1/4 Ton Truck" I think the same thing may have happened with the name "Jeep"! Martin
  15. Martin Tabony

    Pure Nostalgia

    It may not surprise you to learn that I have multiple copies of the one covering The Life Guards. The oldest I've had since being a child, so perhaps it influenced my choice of regiment to serve in :) Martin
  16. Martin Tabony

    Figure bases, want 'em with or without?

    I would design figures with Neodymium-Iron-Boron .125" diameter X .062 " thick discs molded into one foot. A small iron disc detachable base would be held by the magnet; or an iron plate could be the base of a diorama and all the figures would attach to the plate. The magnets cost about $.33...
  17. Martin Tabony

    Could there be an opportunity to expand

    Actually my point was that you don't pay your money and you take your chances. If you pay money then as with all advertising you can control what is said about a product. I think you'll find that in most cases, with any of the hobby periodicals the reviews are requested by the manufacturer...
  18. Martin Tabony

    Could there be an opportunity to expand

    If a manufacturer paid for an area on this site it would become an advertising space. In the same way as their own web site or their paid for advertising space in a periodical. Therefore if it was a paid for space , of course the manufacturer would expect to have control over what was seen...
  19. Martin Tabony

    What Toy Soldier items Have You Acquired in The Last 2 Weeks ?

    Sorry I misunderstood you I thought you meant the hounds and the lady. Martin
  20. Martin Tabony

    Napoleonic British Infantry

    They have always been my figures although they were sold as William King for a short while. I just got busy making other things and didn't realise until recently there was a demand for them! :) Martin