Search results

  1. UKReb

    The Wild Bunch Walk

    During my sojourn to Australia earlier this year I paid a couple of visits to my old chum Howard at his K&C shop in Donnybrook. I also attended the splendid Melbourne K&C Dinner organised by Howard with Andy N. as guest speaker. A great night was had by all attendees. Amongst my many purchases...
  2. UKReb

    An unexpected gift from Louis Badolato

    I received from postie this morning a parcel from Long Island NY. A gift from my good friend Louis Badolato. Apparently there was an auction at OTSN Chicago Show last month and Louis was able to obtain this special ACW Confederate wearing winter clothing customised by Ken Osen and subsequently...
  3. UKReb

    Enhancing Mass Battle Confederates

    My FLMB Rebs have recently undergone some minor surgery and discreet repaints in a vain attempt to reproduce-as close as possible-the excellence of the original 55th North Carolina figures. Firstly those darn ugly raised pants patches were ground off and their pants primed and repainted as close...
  4. UKReb

    Alan "Trooper" Caton Tribute

    Guys In this month's February/March Toy Soldier Collector magazine there is a three page spread of tributes and history of our dear departed friend "Trooper". When you read the tributes from a number of toy soldier manufacturers and dealers one realises what a legend of our hobby Alan was...
  5. UKReb

    Free State of Jones - ACW movie

    Free State of Jones This would appear to be my kind of film especially as it aligns with my ACW collecting era. I bought Victoria Bynum's book on the subject about 10 years ago during a visit to the US as I was not familiar with...
  6. UKReb

    A Proposed Tribute to "Trooper" at the December Show

    When I returned from the Canaries last week I caught up with the tragic news of the passing of our dear colleague Alan Caton known to the forum as Trooper. Amongst my other e-mails was a request from the Toy Soldier Collector magazine for any photos I may have of Alan in attendance with the TF...
  7. UKReb

    Morrow & Dillon Enlist

    Col. Henry Morrow & Captain Dick Dillon of the 24th Michigan are recent enlistments into my Federal army.Temporarily assembled here for a much larger diorama of the Iron Brigade's Last Stand at Gettysburg, sometime downstream. Superb sculpts Ken. Bob
  8. UKReb

    Peter Jackson's Masive 54mm Gallipoli Diorama

    Not sure if any of you guys have seen this but this diorama is absolutely amazing. Figures were sculpted by two Brits Alan & Michael Perry who usually work in 28mm war gaming figures but undertook this 54mm set-up for film director Peter Jackson...
  9. UKReb

    A Mini-Conversion of my London Show Purchase

    I personally bought very little at last week's London show. Found a couple of very cheap Iron Brigade figures to swell the ranks and this unboxed Cavalry Sergeant. Dealer wanted £20.00 but I noticed the figure's pistol barrel was completely bent back on itself. Pointing this out to the dealer I...
  10. UKReb

    Return To Donnybrook

    Have recently returned from a very enjoyable five week vacation in Australia. Whilst in Melbourne we took a road-trip to Donnybrook to catch up with Howard (Northgate Woods) and his charming wife Jen. Their Toy Soldier Experience business celebrated its first anniversary back last November and...
  11. UKReb

    London March Show

    Perhaps a tad premature guys but this coming Sunday I'm flying "Down Under" for six weeks and not getting back from Melbourne until five days before the London show-but I'll be there as I'm all booked and ticketed up. I'll catch you Brit Brigaders either on the ice or preferably in The Steam...
  12. UKReb

    A Revamped "Gray Ghost"

    As I was leaving the December London show to join my fellow Brit Brigade colleagues for our usual beer and grub meeting I spotted this Britain's figure of Col John Mosby on the table of a private dealer. It was a bit of an impulse buy for me because I already had the mounted figure in my...
  13. UKReb

    New ACW Recruits

    Recruited a new Reb skirmish line this morning and just in time for Christmas. Once again Ken extremely fine sculpts-Good talking with you at the London show and thank you for the heads up on what ACW figures you have planned for 2015.
  14. UKReb

    The Brit Brigade of Froggers-London December 2014

    But.... where is the picture of the lads at the pub at lunchtime ... something not to be missed out on That's speaking from personal experience John Here you go John The divine light illuminating Jeff remains unexplained. They do say the sun always shines on the righteous. However...
  15. UKReb

    Killing Patton

    Just returned from a thoroughly enjoyable vacation in the US where we covered Arizona/Nevada and California. Whilst my better half was bending her plastic in a Mall in Downtown Los Angeles I strolled into a Barnes & Noble and ended up buying a copy of the current No 1 US bestseller Killing...
  16. UKReb

    "Next time, Yank"

    An unusual incident occurred during Grant's Overland Campaign in early May 1864. A scouting party of Sheridan's, Federal Cavalry unexpectedly stumbled upon a small troop of Stuart's, Confederate Cavalry watering their horses. Guns were drawn, cocked and aimed. No doubt, startled at the sudden...
  17. UKReb

    "Decisive Day" An Alternative Scenario

    The Widow Thompson's Farmhouse-Temporary HQ for Robert E Lee-Gettysburg the morning of the 3rd July 1863. Lee holds an officer's meeting with Gens. Longstreet, Ewell, Early & Stuart. This joint meeting however, never took place But should have Reb
  18. UKReb

    "A Deadly Road"

    Below is a picture of Don Troiani's painting entitled "The Emmitsburg Road" on the 3rd day at Gettysburg. I have always considered that the painting perfectly illustrates how that stout post-and-rail fence-which straddled both sides of the road- became a serious impediment to the Confederate...
  19. UKReb

    "Lee's Fatal Decision

    Robert E Lee's HQ-The Widow Thompson's Farmhouse, Gettysburg. The morning of July 3rd 1863. Lee makes his fatal tactical mistake when he orders Longstreet to launch a full frontal attack on the centre of the Union line on Cemetery Ridge. Reb
  20. UKReb

    "A Very Cautious Advance"

    Oates' Alabamians begin a very cautious advance up Little Round Top-Gettysburg 2nd July 1863 Reb