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  1. W

    NEW RELEASE: New 14th Brooklyn

    Agree. Excellent. Love the colors. Regards. Larry.
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    Isu 152

    Great job. Work of art. How long did it take? Regards. Larry.
  3. W

    FOV 8 new Shermans

    Anyone know if all of these were released? Regards. Larry.
  4. W

    Figarti List of Products

    Wow! Thank you so very much Grey-Goose. Larry.
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    Figarti List of Products

    Thanks Jazzeum. Larry.
  6. W

    Figarti List of Products

    Does anyone on The Forum know if there is a list ( hopefully pictures) of the products that Figarti made? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Highest Regards. Larry.
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    Does anyone know if the boxes were marked on which tank went in an individual box. I displayed a couple and when I went to put them away did not see any markings on the boxes to figure out which tank went into it. ? Regards. Larry.
  8. W

    figarti repairs

    Also, be careful if you have any of the big guns. The details on them are terrific, however, some of the smaller parts are so delicate they fall off and are hard to glue back on. Agree with John about the paint but I think most of us are well aware of that situation. Regards. Larry.
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    Anybody have an idea what the new tariff's will have on prices of King and Country in the U.S?
  10. W

    Hachette Napoleon Soldiers

    Thanks John. I would appreciate you sending me the listing. That is a beautiful collection you have. I guess they do not sell them here in The States. Highest Regards. Larry.
  11. W

    Hachette Napoleon Soldiers

    Does anyone have any Hachette Napoleon soldiers that they are selling. If not are there any outlets here in The U.S. that sells them. Regards, Larry. Warlord 1.
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    New release: VIETNAM!

    I ordered this Friday, Great job. Now all we need is a Green Beret one ( Look at the statue at The JFK Center at Ft. Bragg). Would be sold out the day it is announced- especially at Ft. Bragg and with The SF Groups. Regards, Larry, Airborne.
  13. W

    Colonel Kirby

    . Col. Kirby would make a terrific 1:6 figurine and incorporate Steve's recommendation about the M-16. I know numerous Special Forces Friends who would buy this immediately. Larry.
  14. W

    KING & COUNTRY Dispatches -- November 2018

    Love the VN figurines. Anyone know how they match up (size) with The CS ones? Hope Andy sticks with this era. Larry.
  15. W

    New release: Vietnam dioramas!

    Terrific idea. Will definitely buy a set. Served in II, III, and IV Corps. Could have been in any of those areas. Buddha reminds me of the large one on top of a hill in Nha Trang. Biggest Buddha I saw over there. Larry.
  16. W

    New Release: JEB Stuart!

    Agree. Love both of these. Keep bring on these Historic Figures. Hope Napoleon is not forgotten. Larry.
  17. W

    New Release: Marines In Fallujah!

    Also. Think some U.S. Special Forces. I think K&C had some very early ones and they were sold out. Impossible to find. I would be a buyer. SF did work closely with the Marines, especially up in I Corps. Larry.
  18. W

    Vietnam Huey - 1st Pictures

    Wops! Got so excited I misspelled World Champion Washington Capitals (before other Fans rip me) Larry.