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    New Napoleon to Lead K&C Troops

    Dont forget the weight of a lot of metal cavalry .My wife was not too pleased when a wall cabinet with about 20 odd Del Prado Cavalry started coming off the wall .It stopped fortunately but nearly got her .Better luck neat time (only joking ):).I forgot I have a lot of DelPrados in the loft...
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    The slippery slope to ruin and ****ation

    Hi all I have taken my first steps on the road to ruin .I have purchased a WBritain figure ....yup just one .It always starts with just one doesnt it .The first fix sadly wasnt free like they always tell you it is so I now have coming fron an Ebay UK dealer a French volentairs 47014.I really...
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    Size ?

    Sorta looking at this .The trouble is the 60 mm are all seem a bit bulky in anatomy at least in photos whereas the 54 's seem a bit more skinnier and precise .This could be because the original Britains were quite good proportion wise even if their heads sat on the shoulders a bit too...
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    Female problems....

    Wot a forum .model soldiers..... AND corsets!!!:):p:cool::rolleyes:
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    Size ?

    Thanks to everyone for their advice .It looks like I have chosen 54 mm size as I have started a figure to see how I get on .I am making a French infantry 1730-50's in tenue de route order nonchalantly striding along rifle over shoulder. possible dog included .Got to start some where .I...
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    Any one else like 30 mm figures like Willie /Suren and Stadden /tradition ,also Minot made some good ones from memory?.Not talking about the distorted anatomy wargame figs .Am I the only one here ?...probably
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    Which historical military period are you passionate about collecting?

    +1 on Seven Years war . great era with old Fritz .I also Like the Kaisers full dress lot .FIW was anew term to me .Interesting though .I remember painting a lot of Indybums and French for Suren , 30 mmWillie ,figures ,waaaaaaaaaaay back then .
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    Size ?

    Hi all . I have just joined this forum and have found it very interesting .its a wonderful hobby .This is my first post .I sculpt figures though not military at present ,though I have done in the past for well known companies .I started painting and selling figures in the 60 and won a few cups...