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  1. B

    WBritains Collectors Club 2009 Winter Set

    Got mine 2 weeks ago, i always think one of the exciting things about the collector club is not know when you going to receive your figures.
  2. B

    Lets stop it now

    New member, I hate logging on to ebay searches, especially for K & C, and finding non K & C stuff on the pages, the DelPrado stuff is bad enough but seeing self made stuff that looks nothing like K & C really gets my goat, but the worse is when they put 'not K & C' in the title.
  3. B

    What is rare - hard to find.

    I have been reading the forum for about 18 months, never joined until now, but wanted to give my opinion on a few things that seem to go round and round the forum. I collect Battle of the Bulge, Napoleonics, Med Warriors, FOB and RAF. I have noticed that for some reasons certain individual...
  4. B

    New member second hand market

    I have been reading the forum for about 18 months, never joined until now, but wanted to give my opinion on a few things that seem to go round and round the forum. From watching prices on probably the biggest supplier of second hand K & C, EBAY, I think prices are dropping, I have seen a few...
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    New member - Pricing

    I have been reading the forum for about 18 months, never joined until now, but wanted to give my opinion on a few things that seem to go round and round the forum, Been collecting since 1998 when started with the Nelson and Modern Navy figures. I have a simple outlook, if it is too expensive...
  6. B

    WS134 Panzer III for the Ardennes?

    Hello New member Agree need a week to see the battlefield [I have been 9 times in the last 20years, I am searching for something, more when I find it!!], things not to miss are too many, but would suggest the foxholes above Foy is one, the muesums are great, plus early evening tramping round...