Search results

  1. M

    W Britains CSG 1815 Band

    This is a great print BHogan and John your painted figures look amazing.
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    W Britains CSG 1815 Band

    Hi Barkmann; These are indeed lovely figures and you have them well displayed. I also have this band along with 2 additional NCO's, 8 Original Coldstream Guards marching without bayonets on muskets and 12 with bayonets shoulder arms. Having studied how the Napoleonic Coldstream Guards band...
  3. M

    Nice job !

    The Dutch Belgian Artillery Set is fabulous. They were part of Detmer's brigade which fired shot and shell into Napoleon's Imperial Guard as they advanced up the slopes at Waterloo and played a vital role at the crossroads at "Quatre Bras" two days prior. The Dutch Belgian Carabiniers look...
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    Napoleonic Future Releases

    Wow! This collection of Napoleonics is awesome! Very impressive. The figures are fabulous and the musket fire effects. :) What materials did you use for your diorama materials, grasses, bushes and trees Horus? It looks very realistic.
  5. M

    Wanted: Trophy EQ57A French Horse Artillery of the guard

    If anyone has this Trophy Napoleonic French Horse Artillery of the Guard Set - EQ57A for sale, please PM me as I am looking to purchase. Thanks!
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    new buildings for JJD Fur Trade diorama...

    These are fantastic. Love the authentic. Thanks for sharing with us. :)
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    Scots Greys' Charge at Waterloo

    These are wonderful photos . I like how the Little Legion Napoleon fits in so nicely with Trophy. Is the Old Guard Officer leading the Grenadiers in bearskin a Trophy Figure, ATS or other? I have most of these figures in my collection and they look great. Thanks for sharing your photos.
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    Scene from Waterloo battle

    Absolutely fabulous Waterloo collection! Bravo! Thanks for sharing. You can almost hear the rattle of musketry, the pipers playing, and the shouts of "Vive l'Empereur" amid the thunder of hoofs. :)
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    Brendan's Collection

    Wow! I'm impressed. Beautifully displayed and photographed. I particularly like your Fort Henry display, Napoleonic, as well as JJ War of 1812. But truly, that being said, I love them all. Your WW1 display with The Col. John McCrae Image is particularly touching, having visited the the...
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    Help Identify Trophy set

    That is definitely Set WA90: "UP AND AT EM" Coldstream Guards. Officer and 4 Men Charging + 1 Casualty. I had this Set. Very nice it was too.
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    Rest in Peace Christopher Plummer

    He made Canada proud. Who can forget his portrayal of Wellington in the 1970 film "Waterloo."
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    Bookcase Displays

    Fabulous collection beautifully displayed. Thank you for sharing. {bravo}}
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    Trophy napoleonic sets wanted...

    I have been looking for the following Trophy Napoleonic Sets: Set WA55 Italian Infantry of the Guard with Officer and 5 Men Standing at Ready (Green tunics/ bearskin with silver plate) Also: Italian Infantry of the Guard 2 Drummers and NCO carrying Fanion Set WA42 Neuchatel...
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    Britain's Napoleonic Waterloo

    I have all 6 figures for The Hougoumont North Gate Diorama Set 000148-C for sale, should you be interested.
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    Napoleonic Prussian Landwehr cavalry

    Little Legion are now producing PRUSSIAN LANDWEHR LANCERS and they look quite smart.
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    Next phase of hougoumont

    Hurrah! Nice to see that JG Miniatures North Gate and barn are now finished to complete the Hougoumont. Looks fabulous!
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    Tradition of London British Square 1815

    This is interesting as I have a similar arrangement in my mirrored cabinet to yours. Wonderful photos. I have my Tradition British Square facing Trophy Polish Lancers and Cuirassiers as well and on the far right side I have Tradition 95th Rifles and Highland Light Infantry sniping at the French...
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    Is JG still producing items?

    Hi Julie; Did you receive the farm 'haystack' and any of the Hougoumont buildings in your latest order? Thanks!
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    Next phase of hougoumont

    Thank you for your reply. Hopefully the North Gate and the buildings on the north side will be completed soon. The entire model will look spectacular! By the way, I can't seem to locate any information on the animals either Hougoumont or at La Haye Sainte. None of my Waterloo books nor online...
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    Next phase of hougoumont

    These are glorious buildings and very accurate. Are all the buildings complete or are the buildings that butt onto another building eg. pigsty, cowshed and Great barn three sided? Also villagehorse, I love your farm carts and animals. Where did you get these? They look marvelous. Thanks!