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  1. phantom carver

    K&C time to use your WIZARDRY!

    I can't speak for Andy. But I would guess that with all of the flack sent his way, this could be a case of frustration turning into a misunderstanding.
  2. phantom carver

    Why I Collect King&Country

    This is a great thread! I'm new to posting and don't think I know it all but this is pleasant. I hope I did not offend veteran posters with my opinion on the prices thread. My intention was not to say that the forum should be a K&C LOVE FEST! I like Coke and can't stand Pepsi. I don't send...
  3. phantom carver


    Here goes nothing! I have been reading the forum for months, and now can't stand it I must put my toe into the water. I'm sure some will get my (bad joke) point and some will be offended. Great way to start:eek: While on a job last week a news story came on the radio. It was about a nurse who...