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  1. R

    Alma Figures Crimean War - Gloss and Matt

    Awesome detail!!
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    Trophy Crimean War sets

    Cool backdrop!!
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    Trophy Crimean War sets

    Awesome figure!!
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    K&C UK Crimean Campaign 1854 – 1856: The complete caboodle!

    Very cool collection Jeff!!
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    Crimea War Coldstream Guard Officer Standing

    Very cool!! Just a thought: Did the British military relax their rule about no facial hair during the Crimean War era? I thought that in the 1850's it was still against British military regulations to have moustaches or beards, as it was in the Napoleonic era.
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    French 61st Line somewhere in Saxony...

    I like scenes like this,...feels like I'm there, looking on and observing a real moment in time. Thanks!:)
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    Eylau, La Charge! Here's a link to an outstanding depiction of the charge of the French Cuirassiers at the Battle of Eylau. Outstanding!
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    Yeah! ..nice work! I like the drooping rifle strap,..nice detail.
  9. R

    Confederates charging diorama

    A cool diorama of Confederates running over Federals. At the Texas Military Forces Museum in Austin, Texas.
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    Gettysburg Day Two; McLaws division attacks.............

    How may I see a pic of this diorama?? Very curious to check it out.