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  1. Hetzer

    Dispatches are up!

    Suddenly the Eastern Front is rolling at us in a tremendous style! Definitely the best dispatches for me this year. That is what I have been waiting for years! Thank you very, very much K&C. Just two little questions: Do the Germans have no "real" MG34s any more? Soviet naval infantry some day...
  2. Hetzer

    Klar sprech ich deutsch! Tut mir leid, daß ich erst jetzt auf den netten Willkommensgruß eines...

    Klar sprech ich deutsch! Tut mir leid, daß ich erst jetzt auf den netten Willkommensgruß eines "Landmanns" antworte, aber ich habe meine persönliche Seite erst heute wieder überprüft. Chatten ist eigentlich nicht so mein Ding, aber dann und wann, gerade auch wenn die Zeit es mal zuläßt und vor...
  3. Hetzer

    Russian collectors....

    Just my two cents! To start with criticism about the new russian releases first: I have no problem with sculpting or body/vehicle proportion issues. I like the sculpts! Sure there can be always better sculpts as K&C has proven in the past but compared to the Berlin release the figures are a lot...
  4. Hetzer

    Comprehensive sneak peek

    Regarding the problem of the missing machinegun on the StuG I think K&Cs version depicts a mid to late version. The last versions of those with zimmerit (abandoned in september 1944) had already remote controlled machine guns installed. So there is no need for a shield. Indicating that would be...
  5. Hetzer

    Comprehensive sneak peek

    Hello folks, thank you very much for the warm welcome and the nice congratulations. Posting these news is the minimum I could do! I for myself have been always interested in informations about what´s in the pipeline beyond the monthly dispatches. It makes the hobby much more enjoyable and...
  6. Hetzer

    Comprehensive sneak peek

    Here you go:
  7. Hetzer

    Comprehensive sneak peek

    Hi guys, I am new on the forum and a long time K&C collector from Germany. Nevertheless I have been reading and enjoying this forum since years. Since nobody seems to have realized the new Collector on K&C´s website I thougt it would be the right moment to join the forum. Check it out!!! Lot of...