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  1. T

    Adhesive: Foamboard on to ply wood.

    All being well I should be there this year. I believe Angel is the nearest tube, is that right?
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    Adhesive: Foamboard on to ply wood.

    I did observe the desert mat at one of the toy soldier shows and I have to agree, it isn't something I would buy. The long grass mats look ok, although I haven't viewed it up close. That's my quandry really. The thing that makes me want to do this, is that the WB trenches are ok but I believe...
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    Adhesive: Foamboard on to ply wood.

    You're all getting me a bit excited now! This is great advice. How would you assess your own first attempts at building a diorama?
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    Adhesive: Foamboard on to ply wood.

    Hi Mitch Just viewed this product. There's a little demo you can view. It looks decent stuff. What brand do you use for your scatter?
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    Adhesive: Foamboard on to ply wood.

    This is great. All power to you people for being so helpful. I'm basically going to attempt a WW1 trench layout - Western Front to begin with but I want all the bits and bobs I need in advance rather than having to stop during the project through a lack of materials. I've ordered 500 coffee...
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    The Battle of Loos

    A Battle of Loos line would interest me a great deal. It allows for both trench and village scenes (choice is never an unwelcome thing for a customer). Of course this is where chlorine gas was first utilised by the British, with disastrous consequences for themselves, and therefore a line with...
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    Adhesive: Foamboard on to ply wood.

    That's very informative and a great help, thank you. So, do you use the same glue when applying the scatter? Also, do you use a hot knife when cutting the foam or do you use something like a jab saw?
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    Adhesive: Foamboard on to ply wood.

    Rob Good stuff. Are those JG Miniatures mats? I was thinking of purchasing one of their rough pasture mats but couldn't decide. If so, do you recommend? Brad All assistance appreciated.
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    Adhesive: Foamboard on to ply wood.

    The money is not a problem. The talent to do it is quite another! Do you build your own Rob?
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    Adhesive: Foamboard on to ply wood.

    Me again. The plan is to have a ply wood base for my diorama and then build up the terrain using foamboard. Obviously I don't want the foamboard to melt, so question number two is, what brand of adhesive should I be using when attaching the foamboard to the ply wood to avoid any melting?
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    Best Hot Knife Out There (UK)?

    I may be appearing on these pages a great deal. It's time to stop asking others to build things for me and have a bash myself. Question number one is therefore, what is the best hot knife for slicing through foamboard?
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    Novembers Dispatches

    Rob That was indeed the same Mr Churchill. Mad as a box of frogs.
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    Novembers Dispatches

    I don't care much for WW2 but I was recently listening to BBC Radio 4 (I'm so terribly bourgeois, it causes me pain) and was made aware of an eccentric participant I was hitherto unaware of. "Mad Jack" Churchill seemed to be a bit of a hoot, so much so that even a confirmed 39-45 Philistine...