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  1. Vicknor

    JJDesigns News Update August 22, 2022 - The Trojan Wars

    Horse obviously knuckling over. Battlefields pretty bumpy places. any jockey could attest to this
  2. Vicknor

    Warpark should have their own Front page thread Title.

    From what I understand, and could be massively wrong, but the issue isnt War Park per se but TF's relationship with another manufacturer. Again, could be wrong on this but...
  3. Vicknor

    The almoravids

    Without giving too much away, you are going to need BOTH at some point ;)
  4. Vicknor

    'The Troubles' Series?

    Maybe you’d like to see a vignette of a few balaclava’d chaps placing bombs into bins so as to kill and maim pregnant women?
  5. Vicknor

    Los Ultimos de Filipinas, The last men in the Philippines 1899

    Another brill dio from the Master’s Man Cave
  6. Vicknor

    River resupply Vietnam

    I can see it’s time for me to come around to the man-cave for another pint! Your best one yet
  7. Vicknor

    Blackhawk down ! ..the 1883 version....

    Quickly becoming Treefrog’s consummate storyteller. We should get pissed more often 😂
  8. Vicknor

    March 29th, 2021 News Update - The Knights of the Skies

    I can’t say anything about the colour scheme of this, but as a teaser I will say that the painting and especially the weathering on this piece is the best of ANY KotS released thus far - and I’ve got a lot of them. going to be some lucky owners of this.
  9. Vicknor


    Hope nobody minds me adding an updated version of my Saxon, Viking shelf. I believe this is every release, paint variants included. it’s very exciting looking at this everyday.
  10. Vicknor

    1916: return to the field dressing station

    The barn scene is by far my favourite, although everything is excellent. It's maybe the way the shadows fall, adds an extra layer of realism I think. Superb work
  11. Vicknor

    New Releases for March 2021 - Age of Arthur

    “Mad as a box of frogs” (as in mental) it was meant in relation to the comments offered earlier on the quality of the JJD Saxons by the king of Playmobil
  12. Vicknor

    New Releases for March 2021 - Age of Arthur

    Box of frogs
  13. Vicknor

    The escape from Berlin

    Hahahahaha. Probably the truth.
  14. Vicknor

    Last stand on the Monongahela

    Very busy, vivid scenes that show off this series perfectly.
  15. Vicknor

    1916 : Feeding the guns

    Wonderful. Makes me want to get all of my JJD WW1 back out
  16. Vicknor

    Boer ambush !

    Another stellar diorama. Looks even better in the flesh
  17. Vicknor

    Back into Burma 1945

    Saw these in person in Hong Kong’s (maybe Asia’s) best ‘man cave’ last week. The dio’s in this room deserve a thread or website of their own. Always appreciated with rounds of Japanese beer 😂
  18. Vicknor

    Bookcase Displays

    Sorry, just seen that this topic is in the King and Country thread. Thanks for all the kind words, but I was unaware of where it was posted. Would only have posted the King and Country if I’d realised
  19. Vicknor

    Bookcase Displays

    JJD WWI British
  20. Vicknor

    Bookcase Displays

    King and Country Americans in Vietnam