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  1. UKReb

    The American Civil War Diaries

    6th Wisconsin thanks for the post it’s nice to know I’m still remembered on the forum. So much so I felt it necessary to explain further my decision to stop posting ACW dioramas. For a number of years I have written articles for an Australian movie magazine now primarily on old classic films...
  2. UKReb

    The American Civil War Diaries

    Hi guys All OK here from the land of blighty - make that "blight" as we are still in total lockdown. Reason for wrapping up my threads has been the "Cancel Culture" that seems to have swept the UK and it would seem the US. As the Froggers on here are aware my interest and figure collections...
  3. UKReb

    The American Civil War Diaries

    Battle of Cold Harbor May 31st - June 13th 1864 Part 1.
  4. UKReb

    The American Civil War Diaries

    June 1864: Following the brutal battle at Spotsylvania and several days of inconclusive fighting along Totopotomoy Creek and Bethesda Church - Grant and his generals were more than frustrated. They needed to get Lee and his army out in the open and defeat them. Grant also needed to remove the...
  5. UKReb

    The American Civil War Diaries

    Thanks for the likes guys And thankyou Mark for your continual kind comments. I think I have mentioned it before that its a bit unusual for a Brit to study your civil war "struggle" especially when one considers the amount of famous historical British military campaigns. But I do believe I got...
  6. UKReb

    The American Civil War Diaries

    Jackson and Longstreet at Sharpsburg Federal batteries were pounding Jackson's position on the Dunker plateau. One of Jackson's aides Major Robert Dabney pointed to his right shouting to Jackson "Sir, Black Hats on our right flank" Jackson replied "Yes major, I am aware of the danger. Find...
  7. UKReb

    "DEGUELLO!" The Fall of the Alamo

    Many thanks guys for all of your kind comments – very much appreciated. That explosion scene Brad was I suppose one of my better inventive moments. I remember it took about two weeks to construct. Starting with forming a strong wire metal frame, shaping and attaching nylon wool - ripped out of...
  8. UKReb

    "DEGUELLO!" The Fall of the Alamo

    Final moments at the Alamo Mission: 6 March 1836 Reb
  9. UKReb

    The American Civil War Diaries

    The Confederate High Tide Garnett, Kemper and Armistead's brave but doomed assault up Cemetery Ridge Reb
  10. UKReb

    Nous sommes touts Sauvages-1759

  11. UKReb

    The American Civil War Diaries

    Planning a surprise attack On the march "The Rebs are here sir and advancing fast" Hastily erected defences "Forward Men!" Over the top "Hold the line" Total Rout Reb
  12. UKReb

    "DEGUELLO!" The Fall of the Alamo

    Meanwhile: Back at the Alamo Reb
  13. UKReb

    The American Civil War Diaries

    Jackson's Last Fight: Chancellorsville - May 1863. The Plan Lee's plan was bold and audacious: Jackson was to take his entire Corps, travel west, and then cut north to attack the Union XI Corps, thus rolling up Hooker's line. Jeb Stuart's cavalry would screen Jackson's ten mile forced march...
  14. UKReb

    The American Civil War Diaries

    Thanks Howard and we'll be catching up with and Jen in God's country - down under - around November this year Meanwhile Blue get in a few bottles of that Aussie Merlot ^&grin Bob
  15. UKReb

    The American Civil War Diaries

    Mark - many thanks for your kind comments -Bobby Lee salutes you :salute::
  16. UKReb

    The American Civil War Diaries

    Union Artillery Battery Supportive Enfilade Fire "Fire" The Devastating Effects on the Advancing Confederates The Aftermath Reb
  17. UKReb

    The American Civil War Diaries

    The Battle for Miller's cornfield : Antietam - September 17th 1862 Hooker's 1st Brigade enter the cornfield on the northern section of the battlefield Law's Brigade and Hood's Texas Brigade crashed into the cornfield to counter the advance of Hooker's brigade One Union Colonel later...
  18. UKReb

    The American Civil War Diaries

    Al/Wayne/Michael/Mike Many thanks for your kind comments Louis my friend that sounds like a grand plan. Let's see how this year develops :wink2: Bob
  19. UKReb

    The American Civil War Diaries

    Pickett's Division approach the Emmitsburg Road - 2.45pm through 3.00pm on 3rd July 1863. Before reaching the road, Garnett's brigade frontage shrank about 700 feet - an average of one man from the ranks missing for every five feet of advance An estimated 3,000 of some 5,700 Confederate...
  20. UKReb

    The American Civil War Diaries

    The Burden of Command Reb