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  1. Mark Terbush

    3D Printed Miniature

    Really makes me want to try my hand at painting!! Great work!
  2. Mark Terbush


    Is there even one podcast out there that focuses just on Toy Soldier collecting hobby? Need something for my long drives to work.
  3. Mark Terbush

    3D Printed Miniature

    Very nice! I've been wanting to try my hand painting figures but am scared even to try. My old shaky hands would just make a mess of it! :)
  4. Mark Terbush

    Iron Men And Horses

    Very nice!!
  5. Mark Terbush

    Collector Clubs?

    Do King And Country and Conte have collector clubs available like Britain's? I'm unable to find any info online.
  6. Mark Terbush

    New Member.

    American civil War at the moment but I can see myself expanding into other areas also. :)
  7. Mark Terbush

    Heritage English Civil War Figures

    Look great! very cool.
  8. Mark Terbush

    New Member.

    From Michigan originally, been in Arizona now the last 30 years. Started collecting Britain's, Conte and King And Country American Civil War about 20 years ago and up and sold them all to buy a new firearm and have regretted it ever since! Decided to start again and am busy trying to buy all my...
  9. Mark Terbush

    New collector of American Civil War...and anything that just LOOKS COOL! :)

    New collector of American Civil War...and anything that just LOOKS COOL! :)
  10. Mark Terbush

    Identification help.

    Thank you sir! :)
  11. Mark Terbush

    Identification help.

    New collector here hoping to get some info on this figure. I was told it's a older piece and made of lead. I have been unable to find any info on it as to approximate year of manufacture, item number, if it was part of a set or single piece. Any info would be appreciated.