Street Fightin’ Men (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

Back in 1968, one of my favourite songs of that year was ‘Street Fighting Man’ by the Rolling Stones from their iconic album “Beggars Banquet”.

More than 50 years later it’s still one of my all-time favourites and captures the spirit and violence of that time.

It’s also been part of the ‘soundrack’ of King & Country’s ‘VIETNAM WAR’ series and helped inspire many of the fighting Marines we have designed and produced for this dramatic range of figures.

Just a couple of days ago one of my own ‘VIETNAM DIOS’ was bought by a dedicated K&C collector in the UK and so, before we packed it up and shipped it out I decided to set up another scene showing some of our ‘GRUNTS’ in action during ‘68’s TET Offensive.

In amongst all the blood ’n’ guts shown here are 7 all-new figures of ‘Street Fightin’ Marines’ providing much-needed reinforcements... See if you can find ‘em!

They will be released later this year.

All the best and... Semper Fi!

The buyer of your and Gordon's diorama is going to be one very happy collector !

Yep as you'd expect Andy, I've spotted the seven new figures and they all look great and giving me plenty of diorama ideas already !
Look forward to their releases the sooner the better of course ! :salute::

Terrific scene, Andy! A lot happening on a small footprint and everything is laid out beautifully! {bravo}}

Great dio ! I counted 6 new guys, must've missed one...bring 'em on !!!
Hi guys,

Here is a closer look at some of our future Street Fighting Marines which will be available in a few months time.
And there is even more in the pipeline...

All the best,


That armored personnel carrier looks amazing, Andy! I like the weathering on it.

On a different note......can you tease us with what we can expect in October? It's always a treat to see your new wares at the beginning of each month.

Great looking new figures and poses---can't wait
The K&C Vietnam pieces are great, I truly hope they continue to propel more modern lines like the upcoming Falkland Islands series.

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