“Bits ‘n’ Bobs” … “This ‘n’ That” from Andy (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

And a belated Easter to one and all. Here’s a bunch of replies and points on recent posts:

1. K&C’s T34 & Britain’s T34

Hi Scenic 2, The principal difference between the 2 different T34’s (apart from scale) is that the Britain’s model is a T34/76 i.e. The earlier version with a smaller turret and a smaller caliber gun … a 76mm gun.

Our K&C model is the later T34/85 with a larger turret and mounting a bigger 85mm gun. In addition to seeing WW2 service T34/85’s fought in Korea, Vietnam and many of the Middle East Wars (except the most recent Gulf Wars).

Overall both models are correct and, I believe, accurate.

2. “Sands of Iwo Jima” Update

K&C are presently working on 12 entirely new Japanese soldiers split into six different sets of singles, doubles and trebles. Among these are a Japanese single “Personality” figure … 4 sets of 2-man action pieces plus a three-man “sniper” set. Our intention is to have these released in time for the upcoming Clint Eastwood directed “Flags of Our Fathers” movie which tells the story of the Iwo Jima flagraising in July/ August of this year.

3. Popularity of Pacific War Generally

When it comes to WWII most K&C collectors at least seem to prefer European Theatre of Operations (especially D. Day). However speaking personally I’m interested in each and every aspect of this conflict – East and West.

Now, if only those pesky Germans had sent an expeditionary force to fight it out in the Pacific!!!

4. Rough Riders Nice to see some of these “golden oldies” raise their ugly heads again … Originally we designed and produced these exclusively for Kings X of San Antonio (the store K&C has just recently bought over). A few years after the original Teddy Roosevelt and the marching Roughrider we also brought out a bunch of mounted Riders with a rifle, Regimental Standard and National Flag (3 in all). A couple of years after that we brought out the action set “Charge Up San Juan Hill”. This last set was only ever produced in matt paint style – the earlier ones were in both matt and gloss.

Production on all ceased a couple of years back.

Now that we own the original venue (in the same hotel where T.R. raised the original Roughriders) we may update and upgrade the series.

Who knows?

5. Ugly Horses?

Our old friend Ozdigger was complaining about our retired German Cavalry having ‘ugly horses’. Now I can handle him calling me ugly or our blue windows ugly and even our tanks ugly but please don’t hurt our horses. I think and believe K&C make some of the best looking four legged friends around. I don’t think Oz is being fussy I just think he needs some new specs!

6. San Antonio Toy Soldier Show

Some of you might have heard that K&C and our good friends at Toy Soldiers of San Diego are thinking seriously about putting together a Texas Toy Soldier Show. It’s all true!

We ‘re getting together in San Antonio later in May to discuss and review the possibility and feasibility of holding a major event in May 2007. Our idea is to have a 2-day ballroom event (no room trading) over a weekend and add in special events in and around San Antonio during the preceding 2 or 3 days.

So, how do you guys fancy 4 or 5 days in San Antonio – eating … sleeping … drinking toy soldiers? It’s a great town and a fun place with lots to see and do. Let’s have your thoughts … ideas … and comments.
I think its a great idea! There plenty to do and see like the Alamo, new K&C store, plenty of restaurants, bars and for those who need help convincing the wife there is a great mall next to the K&C store. You can also take her to a nice dinner and Margaritas on the Riverwalk. Andy is the new store going to be expanded?
Dear Andy,

Happy Easter. You know I'm in. I used to love going to San Antonio when I lived in Texas. The riverwalk is great, as is the Alamo.

By the way, did you ever post the package you had e-mailed me about?


Dear Andy,

Happy Easter as well. I've never been to ole San Antone so, yeah, that would be fun.

I too love the horses. That German Cavalry set is a great set. It's taken me awhile to put that set together but I only have one to go, GCO 02. That's a sleeper set. Took me awhile to get interested in but love it now. Would love to see some other WW 2 horse drawn sets.

I also like that Rough Rider set. I never saw any until the Symposium when Louis let me put them out and I've become enamored of them. Just got my first one the other day and am hoping, if I'm lucky, to get some more very, very soon;)
I completely agree with Jazzeum, more WWII Horse Drawn sets would be more than excellent.
King & Country said:
... We ‘re getting together in San Antonio later in May to discuss and review the possibility and feasibility of holding a major event in May 2007. Our idea is to have a 2-day ballroom event (no room trading) over a weekend and add in special events in and around San Antonio during the preceding 2 or 3 days.

So, how do you guys fancy 4 or 5 days in San Antonio – eating … sleeping … drinking toy soldiers? It’s a great town and a fun place with lots to see and do. Let’s have your thoughts … ideas … and comments.
Dear Andy,

I am also excited by the idea of a San Antonio Toy Soldier Show, and would consider flying in from San Francisco.

While I do not attend the MFCA Valley Forge Show, I think some collectors would not want the San Antonio Show to conflict with Valley Forge, which I believe is usually held on the first weekend of May. I believe there are also other smaller shows in Virginia and Ohio on the second weekend. This would leave the third and fourth weekends of May.

I think the format of a 2 day ballroom event with no room trading is similar to the Valley Forge Show. The two shows I presently attend (West Coaster and Chicago) have room trading, so I would like to hear comments on the Valley Forge format from collectors who have attended this show.:)
I think the San Antonio show could interfere with Valley Forge but then again not everyone going to one would go to the other as they're in different parts of the country. However, this could affect some big dealers who attend the VF show like Minuteman (George Guerriero) and Hobby Bunker. They'd probably have to make a choice as to one which one they want to go to. If this is a mega show like Chicago then you might get these dealers to come to Texas, instead of Valley Forge, not to mention some collectors. In my case, if this were like the Chicago show, I might skip all 2007 shows leading up to that.
King & Country said:
Note to Andy: I guess there were heaps of ugly horses in the German WWII cavalry but could you guys just model the good looking ones such as your recent LAH 63. Some of those early horses had heads on them like camels - but maybe I'm just fussy

Ugly Horses?
Our old friend Ozdigger was complaining about our retired German Cavalry having ‘ugly horses’. Now I can handle him calling me ugly or our blue windows ugly and even our tanks ugly but please don’t hurt our horses. I think and believe K&C make some of the best looking four legged friends around. I don’t think Oz is being fussy I just think he needs some new specs!

My family have been breeding horses for generations and I wouldn't 'hurt' anyone's horse. But as far as some of the horses in that cavalry set are concerned, well frankly I've seen better nags in dog food cans.

There's no doubt the Germans had some very ugly horses in their cavalry (I've seen the pics), but I can't see any point in making models of them. And even the ugly horses deserve better than to have their eyes painted like a camels.

I've noted that the uglier horses in that set don't sell as well as those with better conformation and more accurate detail. Therefore despite your experience in this field I feel it would be in your interest to listen to customers, at least sometimes, rather than live in denial as you sometimes appear to do. Further-more I found your personal reference to my eyesight offensive, but not an uncommon type of remark for you to make.

Photo of one of the ugly horses (GC03) from the King and Country Cavalry Set (pic from Sager's Toys and Minatures Web-site). Note the camel type head and eyes. The Officers Horse (GC 01) and Scout's Horse (GC 02) are better molds and attract higher prices on eBay.


Btw folks, I make critical posts to highlite factors where I believe improvements will help the sales of King and Country and other manufacturers by improving their product(s). I also believe my unbiased viewpoint and experience helps other less experienced collectors. It is unrealistic to believe that we will all agree with each others posts but as we have all found in the past personal attacks and sarcastic remarks are not the solution.
Actually the prices on this series do rather well regardless of whether it's GCO 01 or GCO 06. If there is a difference between 01 and 02 versus the others I don't think it's the sculpting, it's because 01 and 02 are harder to find for some reason. For the record, I like them all although I'm no horse expert.

As a P.S., I don't think you should take what Andy said about your eyesight as a personal attack or an offensive remark. Andy is a very funny, witty guy and he was just having a little fun. I've been on the receiving end of some of his barbs and it was pretty funny.
Maybe those two are harder to find because people don't want to part with them 'cause they're pretty :)

For the record horses are notably difficult to sculpt accurately, especially in action poses, modellers rarely get them correct imo.
Well - “A horse is a horse of course unless the horse is the famous Mr. Ed.” Now there was a horse. If anyone commented on his looks, he would tell them to take a long walk on a short pier.

For you really southern guys, south of the equator that is, Mr. Ed was a television show about a talking horse and the adventures he had with his owner trying to cover up the fact that he could speak. As a young boy, the wife (forgot her name) was HOT. Michael
Ahh, that was a great show. Now, I can't remember the husband's name but the neighbors were a big pain. One of the great early 60s sitcoms. It's probably on TV Land.
jazzeum said:
Ahh, that was a great show. Now, I can't remember the husband's name but the neighbors were a big pain. One of the great early 60s sitcoms. It's probably on TV Land.

Wilbur. Michael

My Gosh! You're right! That particular horse does resemble a camel. I never noticed before you pointed it out. You certainly have a sharp eye.

I also want to go on record saying that I, for one, really appreciate your evaluation of various manufacturers' products. I read your analyses closely and I usually find some merit in your opinions, especially when they are offered in a constructive fashion. I feel that I have learned a great deal from your experience and it has helped me be a better collector. Thank you.

Warmest regards,

Boys, boys, boys. All this back and forth about horses and eyesite. This is just a hobby---we are talking about toy soldiers not global warming, curing cancer, fundamental Islam, etc. Now I have to admit I am left brain and not creative at all, so maybe I am missing something. But I was bucked off a horse once at a ranch in central Oregon, lucky for me it was into a plowed field. But I do remember it was a long walk back to the ranch. Oh yes, I didn't wear glasses in those days. So that pretty much sums up my knowledge of horses and eyesite.
It would be nice to get a new release of German mounted troops. I missed the first ones, so got a couple of Dragoons to fill the void.
I thought the German Calvary was innovative and well done. I always enjoy

Andy C's forays into new fields. It keeps the excitment in the hobby.

I'd like to see some new and improved German Cavalry, especially if they had camo gear :)

Btw, we used to get 'Mr Ed' downunder, it was one of my fav shows along with 'F-Troop' and 'My Favourite Martian'. Now I'm showing my age.

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