“Crusaders & Saracens…The End !?! How come no one told me?” (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

What individual toy soldier magazines choose to write or opine upon is, alas, not always up to me or anyone else at K&C.

So, you can imagine my surprise when “Larso” says that according to one mag “The Crusades run is done with the recent Saracen Infantry.”

NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH! I am happy and delighted to report that yours truly and K&C have not the slightest intention of “retiring” one of our most colourful and successful series…

Not only are we adding a lot more but we already have plans, sketches and finished sculpts that will take us well into 2015 and beyond!

So, please guys consider checking in with HK before leaping to uncertain conclusions…

Re some follow-up comments…
1. Poppo, which of the many K&C ranges have slowed down or stopped?

2. Larry, popular ranges get the most releases…less popular get the least…From a business point-of-view that seems to make sense. As you rightly noted, over the years K&C has produced more than their fair share of Rebels and Redcoats.

3. Doughboy…As you said my friend it’s probably just speculation on someone’s part…and pretty wide-of-the-mark speculation at that!

4. Bearybones…Your assertion that “K&C has pretty much run the gamut with this range”…could not be more wrong. As for the remark that recent releases are merely “remakes of previous releases although in very different poses and dress.”

Surely my friend that then makes them fresh new releases!!! How can they be simply remakes of previous ones if their poses and dress are markedly different!?!

You also opine that perhaps First Legion’s Crusades series have put a dent in the K&C sales…All I know is that our “Crusaders & Saracens” continue to be very near the top of our best sellers list and that’s why we are releasing and planning a whole lot more this year and ongoing ones.
Your additional suggestions are also not a million miles away from our own thoughts…So, give yourself a “pat-on-the-back” for that one!

5. Mike Miller…hi Mike, fear not “ Crusaders & Saracens ” has extremely “long legs” as a series…See you in San Antonio for the Show.

6. Jazzeum…You spoke the truth.

7. Joesgis…Sorry you feel the series, for you at least, has lost steam, fortunately for K&C there are many others who believe it’s going from strength-to-strength. Hope you will like some of our future releases better…

And that my friends is that…Adios for now – I’m off to slip into my chainmail, grab my battleaxe and smash a few Saracen heads!

Happy Collecting,
Andy C.​
I must take responsibility for Larso's speculation. I read it on page 64 of the April/May copy of 'Toy Soldier Collector' and told Larso that his favorite line was finishing. In my own defence the article in question said they were quoting a K&C press release. He will be pleased because he loves that series ...his wife rather less so!
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I must take responsibility for Larso's speculation. I read it on page 64 of the April/May copy of 'Toy Soldier Collector' and told Larso that his favorite line was finishing. In my own defence the article in question said they were quoting a K&C press release. He will be pleased because he loves that series ...his wife rather less so!

Nothing to feel guilty about, that's what is printed. Maybe I should start a rumour about Ancient Egypt and hopefully get the same fantastic response from Andy for my favourite series. It's colourful and successful too.^&grin, Robin.
Nothing to feel guilty about, that's what is printed. Maybe I should start a rumour about Ancient Egypt and hopefully get the same fantastic response from Andy for my favourite series. It's colourful and successful too.^&grin, Robin.

I have always tended to believe what I see in print. I have a coffee cup with 'World's Best Husband' printed on it. Am I to doubt that as well??
I have always tended to believe what I see in print. I have a coffee cup with 'World's Best Husband' printed on it. Am I to doubt that as well??

Have you ever thought about how many of those Worlds Best Husband coffee cups were made ?{sm4}
I got pulled over by the local police when I was a teenager for running a stop sign. When the officer came to my window and asked why I did not stop at the stop sign I simply told him that my parents taught me not to believe everything I read. He laughed and let me go without a ticket.
I have always tended to believe what I see in print. I have a coffee cup with 'World's Best Husband' printed on it. Am I to doubt that as well??

As an educator, I hope your superiors are not reading this thread {eek3}

The job of magazines/newspapers is to make money and I'm sure they have sold a few copies as a result of their creative writing.

It always helps to put yourself in Andy's shoes, not a collector's shoes, when considering the decisions he or any other businessman/woman may make.

I have mixed emotions I would have liked the opportunity to fill in the gaps of the first 100 or so figures lol but I rather have the line continue... After the AZW this is my favourite series so I am glad that Andy already has figures in the pipeline for 2015 and beyond... I thought it was strange to have a promotional figure come out if the line was being retired?
Never doubted that this series would keep growing....
One of my favorites and there are so many more options to expand this range.....siege equipment, transportation, infantry, personality figures, camp life, pilgrims, more Templar and Hospittaler knights, etc.
Some Saracen tents would be great as well.

Thanks, Andy
I got pulled over by the local police when I was a teenager for running a stop sign. When the officer came to my window and asked why I did not stop at the stop sign I simply told him that my parents taught me not to believe everything I read. He laughed and let me go without a ticket.

Lucky for you that cop had a good sense of humor...and appreciated yours.
Good Morning Andy and all fellow K&C Collectors ....

Andy, Thank you for your response to our frets and woes. .... {sm2}
It is nice to know that there is a manufacture who is "listening" and can set things straight if we should get a bit to far astray.

Yep ... I understand the AWI is lower on the collectors desired list than others lines and, as I mentioned, I truly appreciate the great number of sets that have been made for us AWI guys.

And of course business smarts must win out over emotion ... I guess :( :rolleyes2: {sm2}

I am fast approaching having K&C AWI 2000 sets and hope to start showing the World Largest K&C AWI collection to draw in 1000's of new collectors to this fantastic line.

So, whenever you can send a few more AWI sets our way you know it will be GREATLY appreciated --- {sm4}
See you in Chicago!!! --- Larry
Well, that definitely puts the false rumor to rest, in no uncertain terms. As for my own speculation, based upon the rumor...Open mouth - insert foot. I'm very relieved and happy to learn that this wonderful range will continue well into the future. King & Country's first Crusades release is what first got me started in collecting and I've been collecting their Crusades range, as well as complimentary support pieces from several of their other ranges, ever since. Collecting that range and building a large diorama to accommodate my collection has, in fact, become my primary hobby. So....it's comforting to know that my collecting habit and hobby will be able to remain strong and healthy for the foreseeable future. Thank you, Andy, for taking the time to set us straight.
I got pulled over by the local police when I was a teenager for running a stop sign. When the officer came to my window and asked why I did not stop at the stop sign I simply told him that my parents taught me not to believe everything I read. He laughed and let me go without a ticket.

Now that's funny, I always enjoy a good excuse...^&grin

just for the record...

this is one of my most favorite K&C series that I collect...
I hope demand stays high for years to come and you keep producing more figures so I can add to my collection...


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This is good news. The series had really been steaming along - three releases (fourteen figures?) over the the last six months alone I think? So it seemed to be pretty popular. I recall talking to Andy, mid-way through last year when he came to Brisbane, and mentioned more Crusader men-at-arms were needed, particularly archers. My memory of his response was along the lines that he was looking at just that. I need a bit of time to catch up on what's already out though, so hopefully not until well into next year!
Andy has indicated that they plan the manufacturing cycle in advance, meaning that the manufacturing slots are filled for the rest of the year and cannot be easily varied. This is the way most manufacturing is done and once the forecast has been set, it cannot be changed. Thus, unless, Crusaders are in the forecast (with a scheduled release) for the remainder of 2014, you won't see them this year.

just for the record...

this is one of my most favorite K&C series that I collect...
I hope demand stays high for years to come and you keep producing more figures so I can add to my collection...

Mike, Terrific looking display !!! :salute::
Rumours, rumours, rumours...........nice to see K&C set the market straight. {sm0} This is a great series with lots of potential! I myself have nibbled at it with some of the older releases. I wish I could have more but so many competing interests. :redface2:

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